[b][center][h3][i][color=#17c311]Cyne[/color] & [color=746f6f]Nor[/color][/i][/h3] [color=#17c311]Location:[/color] Crossed Swords Tavern [color=746f6f]Interacting with:[/color]The party that collectively needed a new name.[/center][/b] Cyne huffed as her idea was immediately shot down by multiple people. Yeah, now that she thought of it again they were right, but at least don't interrupt mid sentence. Still, even though it was a good idea to not split up, there was one more reason that came to mind to not travel together in a big group for this particular excursion: if they happen to fall into an inescapable trap, as one group they would be wiped out completely. But that was an unlikely scenario (hopefully). [color=#17c311]"Do you want some help with herbalism?"[/color] Cyne asked as she inserted herself unbidden into the conversation between the other spellcasters of the party. Herbalism was a skill that was reluctantly picked up during childhood. For her it was sort of like the musical scales of druidism. She didn't mind so much now that she was older and the skill had become second nature. Had it not been for the fact that Satilla was a dedicated healer, Cyne would have probably spent much of her free time the past week or so creating herbal potions of her own. [hr]Well the big group discussion seemed more or less finished at this point. No use bumbling around when there was business to take care of. With a stretch and an inopportune belch, Nor left the room. First thing's first, look after Dorka. She'd been out in the cold all night, but a tough bird that mule was. An affectionate pat and bag of feed later and his beast of burden was satisfied with the current state of affairs. Next Nor went to his cart and opened up the hidden side compartment where he kept the tools for his side business. Proudly presented and immaculately maintained were a full set of dwarven plate mail, a rectangular shield as tall as he was and a wicked looking knife that would most certainly be overkill for even the thickest of Goliath beards. The most annoying part about full-plate however was how long it took to put on, especially without help. He would be awhile changing into his 'battle outfit.'