[hr][center][color=FF4500][h1]Todd "The Red Fox" Buchanan[/h1][/color][/center][hr] [indent]Upon meeting Dr. Sevier, the face of the Red Fox was buried deep within the drenched fabric of his tank-top. His head rotated upwards to stare deep into Sevier's soulless eyes, though when he did, Todd's pale face was lathered in his own blood, even his beard was caked in it. Todd's own ability of enhanced smell was now rendered useless due to the blood's ever thickening metallic scent. This happened all while so, the former boxer held the hand of his lover. The warmth that his palm brought her was the one thing letting Naeemah know that he was not dying, for it was not cold nor clammy. At this point, there was no more denying nor cheeky jesting that he was not in fact bleeding, though Todd was stubborn enough to not admit it and instead ignored stating his case all together. Death beckoned on all their shoulders, there was no need repeating that in words when it was easily affirmed in the current observation of Todd. They were now inside the same studio apartment room that Todd first met Sevier in during his interrogation. Todd rested the blood-doused tank-top against the desk tucked in the corner, exhaling a rather exhausted sigh while he asked politely yet tiredly, [color=FF4500]"C-Can I-- Do you have some [i]Sudafed[/i]--- [i]Tylenol[/i]-- something?-- Ah-- Kill me!"[/color] he shouted with both hands now pressing against his nose while the inner pressure of his nasal cavity increased. In such pressurized pain, Todd reacted by kicking the leg of the desk. He has never been so aggressive in front of Naeemah let alone anyone else. No, Todd was the guy who naturally kept a cool head, using humor to his advantage in order to bring the heat off of extreme situation. However coupled with agony and the reality of his ever approaching end, Todd was unlike himself. In fact, he knew even then, if this continued his need for a cure, the desperation for one would grow ever stronger. Todd let his hand slickly slide down his neck, wiping off the blood and allowing it to coat his palm. Realizing the amount of blood encrusting his skin, Todd asked in an almost demanding tone, [color=FF4500]"Shower-- where is it? I [i]need[/i] a shower."[/color] Taking the seat positioned right near the desk, Todd allowed himself to recline back into it. He hoped that perhaps if he sit into it, he would feel less dizzy. He needed to focus right now, no matter how much of a difficult task that seemed. [color=FF4500]"Look, doctor person-- Dr. Sevier, I brought you Naeemah and Poppy, what now? Huh? You're not separating me again from someone-- like you did with Troy..."[/color] Todd took a pause, processing what he just said and how he said it, before abruptly storming up from his seat and charging at Sevier. But he did not lay a hand on the doctor, he instead ushered his face so closely to Sevier that they were now barely even an inch apart. [color=FF4500]"Where's Troy!"[/color] he spat with his bloody, sweaty face. [color=FF4500]"What did you do to him?"[/color][/indent]