Sure, though my character will be a Scientist while [@EurmalEye] will have a Medic (it is written that the Research Division will be comprising of two types of students, Scientists and Medics when it comes to field work). Though if I am correct, your character sounds like a W. d. student? My character will have spent quite sometime as a W. d. when he first came in (but quickly found out it was not his kind of place), perhaps they went through orientation together? They do share the same Ideology when it comes to why they joined oakridge, which is even more likely why they joined the same division if they knew each other at first. Coincidently, my character's fighting style seems to benefit from someone who fights like yours (after the switch) - I mean which Researcher doesn't like [s]sacrisfices[/s] [s]meat shields[/s] good allies, right? [i]*Starts casting, accidently Looks at seminaked ally*[/i] [b]Euaargh! My eyes![/b] [i]*Spell interupted[/i]* It would be nice for him to see how much your character has changed over the years (also, vice versa) and maybe reinforce/doubt my character's belief tha switching sides was a better life choice. My character's name will be Montero, character profile should be up by tonight once I get to a laptop. [@Mr Rage]