Alright! Here's a custom monster I made for this RP. I'll probably make a few more as well later. (I'll also get my hunter up later too) [center][hider=Monster 1] [h1][color=fff200][b]Yellow Jayvern[/b][/color][/h1] [img],100):origin()/pre06/2507/th/pre/f/2011/035/f/1/braxzine_by_greyanimebeast-d38tdgw.png[/img] [b][color=fff200]Species Name:[/color][/b] Yellow Jayvern (Aka: Beeyvern; Horyvern; Dracosp) [b][color=fff200]Appearance:[/color][/b] The Yellow Jayvern looks much like what one would imagine, a cross between a flying wyvern and a yellow jacket/hornet/wasp or bee. Averaging around 1020 cm (10.2 meters), the Javyern is only slightly smaller than a regular sized Rathian and comes across as one of the smallest medium-sized flying wyverns. It's skin is made of a hard black and yellow exoskeleton, providing it a reasonable defense against opponents, with ruby-red blobs running down it's thorax. These blobs have been considered to carry its venom, leading right towards its massive half-meter long stinger. It's compound eyes are a dark-crimson, has giant pincers leading to its mouth, along with a large black horn sticking forward like a rhinoceros, and has two massive membranous wings that allow the creature flight speeds of up to 50 mph. In addition, it also has proboscis in which it drinks nectar from large flowers and flowering-plants, storing it in it's massive stomach. Lucky hunters, who have killed the creature, have been able to cut open the stomach and drink the sweet nectar/honey. They describe it as literally 'the nectar of the gods' and feel quite rejuvenated after drinking it, thus it made its way into the market as a rare and expensive delicacy. Even the smallest jars can go up to hundreds, if not thousands, of zennies. Some hunters even claim that rubbing it into their skin makes them less susceptible in being noticed by the Jayvern, as they'd think they are part of its hive. [color=fff200][b]Environment/Lair:[/b][/color] The Yellow Jayvern has been theorized to live in a massive hive somewhere within the depths of the farthest jungles or somewhere underground, as these creatures are rarely seen, but no one has been able to find it as of now. However, lone Jayverns can be occasionally found anywhere that has flowers, let it be in jungles or out on the grassy meadow regions. "Miniature-sized" drones, about a meter long, usually fly along with it, sucking nectar and storing it within the Jayvern through tiny holes dotted around the belly of the creature. While the Jayvern has no documented natural predators, the drones that surround it are often preyed upon by the Volvidon, using it's chameleon-like tongue to snatch them from the air. It's been said that a pack of them can theoretically take down an adult Jayvern, provided they are hungry enough or if it runs into their territory. Arzuros are also known to occasionally take Jayverns down and lap up their sweet honey, with some hunters purposing that they may know where the hive is located. [color=fff200][b]Combat Tactics:[/b][/color] The Jayverns act very much like regular bees and wasps, often leaving you alone as long as you don't perceive yourself as a threat. However, once it does notice, it's extremely aggressive and will not hesitate to eliminate the threat. They often charge their opponents, using their pincers or legs to pin their opponent in one place, and then use their stinger to paralyze them, or use their horn to gore the opponent. Once paralyzed, they Jayverns can either leave the scene or actually eat their prey/aggressors. [color=fff200][b]Special Attacks:[/b][/color] The Yellow Jayvern is capable of commanding it's drones to attack the opponent, while also able to inject paralyzing venom from it's stinger. [color=fff200][b]Resistance Against:[/b][/color] [color=brown]Earth[/color], [color=92278f]Poison[/color], [color=ed1c24]Fire[/color] [color=fff200][b]Weak Against:[/b][/color] [color=00aeef]Water[/color], [color=8493ca]Dragon[/color] [/hider][/center]