[@ChickenTeriyaki] Price took this opportunity to stand up so he turn around and face Nico. This guy had touched him and somehow brought all those memories from his past to the present. Knowing his demon had appeared in some of them, he had to make sure this complete stranger wouldn't go around telling everyone about it. [hr] [@Samdragonx] Ethan looked at the people staring. "I didn't do anything. She just fell." He wondered if he would have to carry her despite the fact that he would hate doing it because it was considered 'nice'. He reluctantly picked her up bridal style. [i]I'm gonna regret this.[/i] In dog form, Ace came running out the doughnut shop, bag in mouth. He raced over to the park and was about go enjoy his doughnuts until he saw a man with a girl in his arms. "What's wrong with the girl? Why are holding her like that? Are you two dating? Why do look so angry? Why-" Ethan almost dropped Slacky back where she was when a dog came over and started asking questions. "Can you shut up? and no to the dating question."