[img]http://i.imgur.com/MMz3kht.png[/img] [b]"T-Thanks, but I sh-shouldn't even be a-alive right now. L-Literally. I-I've seen so many e-eras rise and fall. I s-shouldn't be here. I shouldn't k-know you guys. I s-shouldn't be with her."[/b] Whatever else Julie might have said Cienna couldn’t hear it, the last part of that sentence rang through her very being shaking her harder than anything. The tears that had just recently stopped thanks to Julie recovering started falling again, it felt like her heart was breaking even if she had only just met this woman earlier this evening, whether it be magic or something else that influenced the soul bond it had hit her hard. Hearing Julie say that made her feel like she didn’t even deserve to be with her. ‘That’s what being evil gets you’ she thought to herself her head dropping silently as she just kneeled on the side walk. Everything else may have ceased to exist at that very moment and she wouldn’t have noticed, Her wings usually kept folded back against her or in flight ready position now just dropped sitting on the ground behind her, not even having the will to hold them up. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew that letting her wings get so wet was bad but she couldn’t care. Nothing mattered if Julie didn’t want to be with her. “I’m sorry…” her voice would be barely above a whisper, who she was speaking to not even she truly knew. Was she apologizing to herself for choices that she felt were made for her, or was she apologizing to Julie for not being perfect, or in fact to everyone for being who she is. If she had the emotional strength left to her she would have stood and started walking, however she found neither the strength nor the desire to move. She would simply kneel here for the rest of her life or so it felt to her at this point.