[center][color=ed145b][h3]~Cerise~[/h3][/color][/center] The redhead moved along swiftly, the scent of their quarry pulling her towards it. As much as she liked to think she was in control...it was honestly difficult to tell at times. She brushed the thought off though. It didn't matter...as long as she stayed focused on what she wanted, she could deal with the incessant hunger and annoyance of this demon. Besides, the smell of that revolting miasma was enough to bring her back to whatever senses she normally had. Cerise slowed only for a moment as she came to the plaza and laid eyes on the Tyrant in front of her. Humanoid. Looked fairly strong, but slow. She should assume anything, but for now she'd work under the assumption she could outspeed it. As long as she could avoid getting smashed by the building that was now heading her way, this would be simple enough. Before she could think much else though, it grabbed a building with its inhuman arms and slid it across the ground. Cerise didn't even make an attempt to dodge it. Just as the building slammed into her, a wall of thorny vines grew from her back, wrapping her in a thick, protective cocoon of vines as sharp thorns pierced her flesh. The building slammed against another building, the cocoon of vines protecting her from most of the damage she didn't mean to directly inflict upon herself. Maybe broke a bone or two from the impact, but unfortunately for the tyrant...it was going to have to try a little harder than that. Pain wasn't something that was easily going to deter her. The cocoon writhed and twisted, the vines growing and snaking their way through various cracks and breaks in the walls of the building that had smashed into her. Not seconds later, with inhuman strength they pried apart the wall that had slammed into her. A pool of blood had collected where she had been standing. [color=ed145b]"Heh, you're a strong little beastie, aren't you?"[/color] She smirked, as she stepped away from the building, a small trail of blood trailing behind her. The cocoon of vines writhed and twisted, settling on her left arm as she hefted her sword in her right in a similar fashion as earlier. [color=ed145b]"Sorry, but I don't have time to play with you."[/color] She bolted away from the building, towards the Tyrant in front of her. If it didn't make a move, which was unlikely, once she was in range she'd let her plants have a little fun with them...