Just kind of a stab in the dark on the stuff you'd be willing to tolerate, I plan on playing more on the angle of "Alright, I was raised from birth to fight a war that doesn't exist anymore... so let's try fitting in with normal society," than a brooding wreck of a person. [hr] [hider=BRK-124 "Barrick"] [center][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/52d5560372c949a2f2419f6c4f8c026b/tumblr_mz06homSfe1rue4a1o3_1280.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] BRK-124 [b]Nickname(s):[/b] Berrick [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexuality:[/b] Demisexual [b]DOB:[/b] October 30th, 2098 [b]Nationality:[/b] Bastionian [b]Appearance:[/b] Barrick is a twice modified human, having the radiation resistant pitch black skin and red eyes that has become the norm on Bastion Prime and the second wave of modifications that was placed upon his generation of children in the War of Ash. He is much larger than your average person, standing at 7'0, and is seemingly carved out of stone. Small bionic sensory plugs cover his body, allowing Barrick to don the power armor he used in the war. Strangely, besides the scars gained from various implants Barrick has no traumatic injuries, giving his skin an interesting webwork of straight edged scars and circles. He is completely hairless. Like most Bastionians Barrick has broad, strong features that won't win him any beauty pageants but could be fairly handsome if looked at with an open mind a good angle, however he easily looks ten years older than he actually is. Barrick typically wears a modified engineers jumpsuit, specially ordered due to his large size, that has a large array of deep pockets in which to keep his tools. [b]Personality:[/b] Barrick is what happens when you mould someone from birth to be a soldier and then quickly stamp out the war. His entire generation is lost without a purpose, forced to answer the question "now what" after they crushed the civil war that engulfed the Bastion System. Some stayed home and set upon the task of rebuilding, most became mercenaries when they couldn't cope without any conflict to settle, and then there were ones like Barrick who are stuck somewhere in between. He's drawn to conflict because it's the only thing he knows but desires something more to fulfil himself with. Barrick is robotic in character, if not form, and rarely emotes outside of his passive stare. He has an ironclad set of morals and is instilled with the virtues of honor, respect, and dignity but has an incredibly difficult time relating to other people and any emotion outside of determined resolve. However he wants to get better and is willing to do a lot if it doesn't get in the way of his duties. [b]Position on The Condor:[/b] Security Specialist [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*]Military Training: An entire lifetime of hand to hand combat, explosive handling, and squad tactics. [*]Implants and Gene Mods: Barrick and those like him are noticeably stronger, faster, tougher, and more reactive than normal humans. Useful in the field but it brings it's own batch of interpersonal and sensory issues. [*]Indifferent to Tedium: Boring tasks, such as standing in one spot for twelve hours or peeling a mountain of potatoes, does not affect Barrick very much. [*]Good Listener: He might not have the experience to say anything groundbreaking to help, but if you need someone to vent at for a couple of hours or need a confidante, just catch him off hours. If your secrets don't endanger anyone then they'll be safe with him. [*]Unstoppable: Less of a skill and more of a trait, if you stand in between Barrick and his goal he will not stop until he's dead. A shared trait between his "siblings". [/list] [b]Years on The Condor[/b] Six Months [b]Other:[/b] Barrick's eyes glow red in the dark, a consequence of his hybridized vision. He has held onto the power armor he wore in the War of Ash, sentimentality digging its hooks deep into him. The War of Ash was a brutal system wide civil war that only ended within the past year, due to the Enhanced Soldiers used in the final ten years of the conflict. The Enhanced Soldiers aren't particularly looked well upon given their combination of frightening appearance and robotic mannerisms, but even especially so to those in the military who are privy to the research notes on their creation.[/center][/hider]