[i]Something that helps with large group settings is timely time skips. (That sounds so dumb written out) But for example; if you say an event happens this part of the real time month then by this time of the real time month that event is over, the time skip is complete and anyone who didn't participate will just have to write it off as a memory or whatever. It makes things a bit easier than waiting for that person who never shows back up to post, or the dreaded "I'll post tomorrow" and then tomorrow never comes. To answer your questions posed: 1) I don't want to GM but I would be more than happy to lend a hand and do some co-gm'ing. I run a fairly tight and orderly ship too, so I know how that can be. I'd also suggest keeping the numbers large enough to where if people leave its not thread ending but not so many people that you can't keep track of anyone or anything. 2) Any year is fine with me- just that they all start in the same one :) 3) 2017 would be cool, to see things of technology mixed in with magic might be interesting!! 4) I agree with a little bit from both of those categories, I love when a GM has a overlying plot or direction for everyone to go, and maybe even decide some of the outcome of certain events- such as tournaments or tests or whatever. I think that'd be interesting from a player stand point too. "Oh your character failed this test and gets study hall" how they react can grow their character. Especially if we plan to do something long lasting- it will help shape things a bit. I only say a little from the other category because people should be able to make their own creative outlets too- maybe even something a group can be decided with events and story arches.[/i]