[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/IdCzS8K.png[/img] [h3][color=00a651]Courtyard Chatting[/color][/h3][/center] Gren sat down at the table Emerald and Scoot was at, careful not to break his chair. One would think heavy stools would be common place for a school like Beacon, but than again perhaps most don't expect 300+ lbs guys to be using them. Fortunately the seats held and Gren settled in. As Scoot begged for food Gren petted the little guy on the head and glanced at Emerald. Though it's barely been a few hours, Gren felt like it's been weeks since he last saw her, and a lot had changed about her. No... Nothing had changed about her. She just made more friends. Made Gren feel downright pitiful considering his luck at meeting new people. Still, perhaps he could turn his luck around with this new girl. Anna seemed nice enough but an oddball nonetheless. Gren couldn't really get a read on her; she seemed hyperactive and chipper like Emerald, but she seemed fairly meek and shy towards Gren. Yet she also seemed plenty flirty with Varius. Maybe this girl was just nervous around Gren? It wouldn't surprise him. Boar faunas aren't exactly known for their rugged good looks. It doesn't help that Gren tries to cultivate a somewhat intimidating aura in order to assert dominance over others. In hindsight, that sort of thing is probably why he doesn't have friends. Gren briefly considered trying to cultivate a different image, but he's tried the nice guy thing before. It didn't really pan out, or perhaps he wasn't trying enough? Perhaps he was trying to hard? Admittedly Gren did have a tendency to put on an act for others. Whether it was to look smarter, kinder, stronger, or wiser. For someone of such big bulk, he seemed to fancy himself an actor. It reminded Gren that he needed to check his costume for the wrestling match later. Putting aside these melancholy thoughts Gren rested his head on his hands and looked at Emerald. [color=00a651]"So, who's you're new friend? She seems nice enough. You called her your sister earlier though I don't think she's a faunas, so I'm guessing you and her are pretty close?"[/color] Just as Gren asked the Anna came back to the table with a question of her own. She just wanted to know more about Emerald and Gren's relationship, or whatever it is they had between the two of them. [color=00a651]"Yeah. Emerald is friend with a friend of mines, so we met up and hanged out a bit. I also helped Emerald with her weapons to give them a bit more of a bang. As you can imagine, I'm a bit of a freak when it comes to weapons and tech. Just an amateur tinkerer, but I'll play with whatever toys I get my hands on."[/color] [@Abillioncats][@FlitterFaux]