[@Avanhelsing] Abel nodded and was thrilled that owen was okay with him preferring raw meats. [color=pink]"I would love that. I am terrible at cooking. I can smell all the ingredients but actually making food....not raw doesnt work so much"[/color] He was opening up enough for a sense of humor to make an appearance. The ghost that felt like it was still there was not even getting a tingle out of him anymore. Maybe it was his ability to adapt...after all, his family were snow leopards living in texas. If he could live there he could adapt to feeling ghosts everywhere. Abel blinked and then tilted his head. [color=pink]"Zombies?"[/color] He shook his head as if he was shaking the questions from his mind. He did not want to push to hard...after all they had literally just met. He focused instead on what was said next. [color=pink]"I would love to take you there. Whenever you want"[/color] He couldn't cook, but he could go wherever owen wanted. No matter how hot it was...he would just have to wear clothes that were very breathable. His natural tendency to be warm not working for him for once. Abel thought for a moment. [color=pink]"Id love to go to the mountains of central asia. See snow leopards up close..."[/color] He was always curious about his other side. He had never seen a wild snow leopard...and somehow it felt unfair. After all, werewolves could get a view of their wild counterpart anytime they wished...but his....his was far more secretive and rare. Abel focused himself from this thoughts. [color=pink]"Im okay with going whatever pace you are...I don't want to rush you into exposing everything about yourself"[/color] He sounded reassuring...and honest. Which he was. While he was certainly curious about all of owen, he wouldn't push for exposure of every little thing right away.