Interested in a laid-back but interesting rp? Feel like cracking a few demons heads open in a Doomguy-esque style? A fan of pretty anything metal? You've come to the right place, my friend. This idea is centered around an idea that i've attempted to create and keep alive, but never came to full fruition. So, I've dumbed it down quite a bit in order to keep it a free RP. Basically, the jyst of the story is, you play a soul sent to hell, and you need to break out, by any means necessary. There will be a central plotline, but free roaming is allowed, encouraged in fact. You may be able to aquire more details about the story, that way. This is still a work in progress, so I figured I'd post a bit of it now and edit this post as needed until we have enough intereatied parties to make this an official thing. Any questions? Feel free to ask away!