[img]http://i.imgur.com/rTqnGle.png[/img] Zephyr detected the presence of a demon and a not quite demon that seemed to be hidden to his senses. ‘Maybe repressed’ he thought to himself and would have chosen to ignore the abominations and continue to enter the main lobby tracking the source of the magic when he felt the presence of the demon expand rather exponentially. He felt the warning behind it, magic attack aside even with an alpha priority he would not take this in passing, He stepped back following the trace of the essence towards a group where an ambulance had just roared off towards its destination. He could clearly see a demon but the repressed demon had vanished now, ‘the ambulance’ he thought stepping forward his face impassive as he looked over the demon, “do not presume to tell me to leave filth.” He spat the last word as if it were a compliment to the demon he had never met. Simply being a demon was more than enough to earn his disgust. “I go where the church wills when they do, you would do wise to remember that.” His tone was matter of fact before he turned to return to his investigation his warning quite evident. [img]http://i.imgur.com/MMz3kht.png[/img] Cienna felt someone tap her on the shoulder it was enough to bring the real world crashing back in on her she turned to face the direction she thought that the person who had touched her was when she heard. Hey, lady. D’ya need a ride home or anythin’? Might take a while, but if ya tell me where to go I can get ya there.” She would nodded softly tears still falling from her face as her mind continually looped on the same things. “Please… can you take me to the hospital…” her voice barely a whisper above the sounds of the others, She completely ignored the new presence if because she was totally unable to process any more input. “I have to apologize.’ She would add more to herself than to the woman who seemed to not know how to comfort her though she was trying. On some level Cienna would appreciate that and if her mind weren’t an endless loop of ‘you’re horrible, she hates you, you don’t deserve to live’ she would have even said so. She would then fall silent while she waited for the woman to reply her body shaking, whether from the rain chilling her now or the incredibly deep depression she was feeling, the pain of her emotions, not even she could tell. She wanted to see Julies face once more, even if it were only once more and Julie decided she never wanted to talk to her again she would honour that. [@EchoicChamber][@Erklings25]