(As always, thanks so much for your patience.) My gosh, same about Pidge! Rewatched the series while crafting last week. HA! That was a great scene. They called them something else besides pirates, I believe. Can’t remember what, though. Pirates were mentioned in the episode where they went to what ended up being a mall. I love Hunk’s obsession with food, too. Also, as a [i]The Last Airbender[/i] similarity I noticed, I forgot about the underwater episode totally reminiscent of the one when Team Avatar is in Ba Sing Se with Joo Dee and Lake Laogai. Got the eager agreement from my friend to picking a weekend, eating more junk food than we should, and watching more TV than is probably healthy! So glad you’ve enjoyed [i]Trollhunters![/i] Honestly, I'm just glad to know I’m not the only person 18+ who likes it. :lol Many thanks, my friend! ^.^ And happy to hear you were feeling better. Awesome, about [i]Spiderman![/i] I plan on renting it when it comes out. I can’t tolerate the volume of theaters, so have to wait until then. Thank you, thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it. Virtually untouched magic plus a completely untrained person with great magic potential equals disaster. I love that things just keep getting worse and worse for Ghent, and his wonderful cockiness. xD And the complications that being seen would cause when they return! So much yes. [img]http://i.imgur.com/BaVAUvx.gif[/img] I LOVE IT! Gonna add it under “Fan Art,” if you don’t mind!