Batman makes a better villain than Superman, and we're finally gonna see that in this Dark Multiverse in DC Metal. Superman to me is like a fine wine. He's an acquired taste. And 90% of writers don't know what they're doing with him. The problem with Batman v Superman is that the movie was too caught up in it's own story of Lex setting up the confrontation between the two heroes, in that it took an extended cut of the movie to make more sense of it. However a three hour movie with that much exposition is horrible. Two minutes of Superman followed by twenty minutes of exposition. Two minutes of Batman followed by thirty minutes of exposition. Superman only had 43 lines of dialogue the entire film, and he was title star! Directors can't find one story to try and adapt so they 'make their own' using bits from several stories. B v S took bits from Death of Superman, Dark Knight Returns, the Trinity monthly, etc. Now JL is taking bit from the New52 JL, World Without Superman, amd the Wally West era of the Flash [cause Barry had no personality in the Silver Age]. You know why the new Batman director Matt Reeves threw out the Afleck/Geoff Johns script for Batman? Because they did the same thing with their story and he knew it wouldn't translate to film. -00492