[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/liks82d.png[/img] [color=firebrick][h3]Donny Yang[/h3][/color][/center] It was time. Having confirmed that there were a few people from Team Alpha here Donny knew that he could take them out with his trap. It'd be so easy too. Just go in, dig, leave, and let the whole thing go down. Without even laying a finger on them. Yes, as far as plans go, it was perfect. And yet… There was hesitation. Doubt. Not only did Donny wonder if this tactic would work, but more importantly, what if it did? The whole place falls down and not just “eliminates” but [i]kills[/i] someone? Admittedly the thought did cross Donny’s mind. He knew heroes weren't suppose to take the lives of villains. A vigilante may kill the bad guy for the greater good, but that's not what a hero was. A hero… Was much better than whatever Donny was. He was cowardly and fearful. Even though he was the one who looks like a monster, Donny was more scared of others. Strong people, weak people, didn't matter. He knew that anyone could push him down, and even weaker people could get together and defeat him. It's why he hides away and does devious plans like this. He wasn't brave enough to face people head on. He didn't have that heroic courage to charge straight into danger, even if it's stronger than him. But isn't that why he came to this school? To change? Donny wasn't sure what to do. He knew the destruction this attack could do. He wanted to be strong. But was he going to throw away his heroic title for power? It was certainly tempting. Donny didn't know what to do. So he just… Did something. First he started yelling. [color=firebrick]”L-L-L-Listen up!”[/color] Donny’s voice echoed through the building. He had to speak fast or else Ream Alpha might track him down. [color=firebrick]”I'm warn-n-ning you! Leave this place. I'm going… I'm going to d-destroy it! Bring the whole thing down! Don't think I c-c-c-can't!”[/color] Donny started slinking back into his hole, getting even more nervous and fearful by the second. [color=firebrick]”You got t-t-ten minutes. If you're still here after that… You're gunna get hurt… And I... I can't…. I won't hold back!”[/color] Donny slunk back into the ground and stayed there for a few minutes to cool down. He's never actually threaten anyone before, and he hoped that they all leave. Of course he knew his stuttering and the war on his voice might make them think he was bluffing, but at the same time perhaps they may also think the fear and hesitation in his voice could also demonstrate he was about to do something massive? Donny could only hope. Either way, after he took a minute to calm his nerves, he started eating at the foundation. It would take him roughly ten minutes or so for him to destroy enough for the building to fall into the train tunnels below. Hopefully Team Alpha would heed his warning and leave. If they stayed and get caught in the attack… Than Donny would keep his promise. As Donny kept eating at the foundation the. Holding would begin to moan and creak as the weight started to shift. A loud bang could be heard shortly after Donny’s warning as part of the building dropped a few feet, thanks to Donny destabilizing that part of the ground. It wouldn't destroy the building on its own, but hopefully it would show Team Alpha that Donny wasn't kidding. So long as no one stopped him, more creaking and loud pops would be heard as Donny chewed up the foundation. [i]If[/i] Donny could continue uninterrupted for about eight more minutes, he would do enough damage to the place and Donny would flee Point B from underground, heading towards Point C. [@Silver Carrot][@Experiment 249][@Dead Cruiser][@Silver Carrot]