[quote=@Archmage MC] Nope, not at all. But then DC only does things with him in comics instead of other media besides a few episodes in JLU or that blue beetle show. (I remember something with that at some point, dunno if that was also JLU) so I don't know too much about him. But if hes not big enough to be seen in other media, he probably isn't that important anyway overall. All I know is he used to be Captain Marvel because DC hated Marvel or something, I dunno. Also probably doesn't help they keep changing him over, and over, and over again. [/quote] He was Capt. Marvel in the 40's, Marvel didn't acquire rights to use the name until the 70's. Shazam! was also a television series back in the late 70's early 80's much in the same vein as Linda Carter's WW. How's that for expanded media. EDIT: In the 1940's he actually outsold Superman in comics, and was selling millions of copies back in the day when that was a huge number [shit it's a huge number today, top comics only selling around 200k a month]. This is why DC sued Fawcett Comics claiming CM was a copy of Superman [black hair, cape, flight, super strength] and eventually bought them outright some time later. -00492