After dealing with the archers that were on the turret, there was just a bloody mess around Sen. She then proceeded to move along the remainder of the wall that wasn't broken down, taking care to kill any soldiers that got in her path. She may have had a small frame, but her agility and deftness with a dagger ensured that anyone in her path, even ones in bulky armor, would find their necks being slit when they confronted her. "Die... Die, die, die..." Nothing could stop her bloodshed, not even a lone arrow in her shoulder. Much like the archer that grazed her cheek, the archer that shot the arrow would soon die as a result. These elves had been killing off her kind for many years, treating her kin as vermin and pests. What an ironic twist of faith that the 'pest' would be slaughtering the killers. Sen was a killer through and through and didn't care for the life of those she killed. Family? Friends? A career past being a soldier? She didn't care, she was a killer, nothing more nothing less, these elves were just unfortunate enough to be her targets.