[quote=@Archmage MC] Yeah, its pretty clear I don't know who or what the character is or what hes used for. But even looking at Afros character which is I'm guessing based of of Shazam, hes still a discount superman with a bit of magic thrown in. If you wanna elaborate I'll listen as my knowledge of the guy, like I said, is limited to what he did in JLU and Brave and the Bold. [/quote] He is by no means a 'discount' Superman. Is he inspired by Superman, certainly--many characters of the time were influenced by Superman. A similar trend happened in video games in the eighties and nineties pertaining to martial arts characters and their homages to Bruce Lee. In every video game from the fighting genre in the nineties there was at least one character who was [i]clearly[/i] based off Bruce Lee (Mortal Kombat is the worst offender). I am wondering what you mean by 'discount' Superman, because his entire backstory is different. I won't explain it, you should read it. Billy's personality isn't even the same as Superman, considering Billy is a child and quite immature. He is certainly more comedic and less brooding than Superman. If we're talking solely about powers, Billy is on par with Superman and perhaps exceeds him ever so slightly given the magic.