[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/7l3azkQ.jpg[/img] [color=dadada][sub][color=BABABA]C E L I S E L E L I È V R E[/color] [color=BABABA]✚[/color] Twenty-Two [color=BABABA]✚[/color] Female [color=BABABA]✚[/color] 5'2" [color=BABABA]✚[/color] Navigation[/sub][/color][/center] [color=BABABA][sub]P R E S E N C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=dadada]Celise can inspire the sense of a cousin that one resonates with, but only ever seen during rare family reunions. One can sometimes experience Celise as a sister who certainly has her own life, but sees attention to those closest as a duty rather than gift. She has an aura of serenity, yet somewhat distracted by trivial pursuits. The stars and trails of the land fascinates her to such an extent that it can instill comfort of guidance in others. Celise always knows the way and how to get there. She makes sure that nothing is rushed, that nothing is taken for granted. Celise can stop and smell the roses in such a way that will distract people from pain and suffering. Due to her relatively petite frame and height, Celise can be instinctively amicable, which makes it easy to approach her for whatever reason. Her choices in fashion might play a part in it. She often wears platform sneakers to gain an inch or two, skinny-ripped jeans, and an assortment of t-shirts with motives and comfortable sweaters. Celise looks more like a youngster than a soldier that could deflect a bullet with a piece of metal or punch a hole in a concrete wall with her bare fist. Her silvery hair is kept around shoulder length, sometimes longer and sometimes shorter. Most of her facial features follows the theme of her height and frame—petite and plump. An iconic feature is her prominent, upper eyelids. Celise may not always utter thoughts and emotions through words. She is a girl of intimacy in such ways that restore humanity in people. Her hands are soft and her touch is tender. Pursuits such as massaging, braiding of hair, decorating gear and clothing, and grooming others is a quirk that not only becalms herself, but the recipient as well. All of this is given, of course, that a person is worthy of such affections. [/color][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]I D E O L O G Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=dadada]Celise puts the freedom of the individual before all else. Liberty is the primary value that one must strive towards. In any case where such liberty is threatened, the importance of the individual must triumph the collective. Celise refuses to sacrifice anything for what someone might consider to be the ‘greater good’. Every individual matters. When and if someone claims that something is in their best interest, in which they obviously have no desire, Celise will take action to prevent it. She is severely skeptical of power and government. There is always an agenda, always a false word with which to hush the masses. Wartime often disrupts tradition and order. These two qualities that Celise take to heart. It does not matter where in the world she is, cultural rituals and esoteric habits will always be of interest to her. Whenever she has been on the move, either by her own wish or by order of the academy, Celise tries to stop and take in the views and smell the flowers every now and then. In these endeavors, values such as honesty, dedication, and dignity play an important role. Celise sees loyalty, patience, and reliability as cardinal traits. When she says that she will do something, whatever it might be, Celise will exercise her stubbornness until such commitment is realized. She believes that every type of group, family, or community needs different types of parts for its engines to work. There cannot be too much of one or the other—there must be a perfect balance. By this logic, Celise does not believe that everyone is equal. She knows it is frowned upon, but she does not consider it a bad thing. If a machine is built with the same kind of part, it simply won't work. You need different kinds of parts with different purposes for things to sail smoothly. However, Celise can seem harsh at times. She is a firm believer in tough love and has little sympathy for those who break the law or repeatedly make bad decisions in life. Everyone should have the right to a second chance after being punished, but no more than that. The idea of moral values is to live by them. They are there to guide a person, not to be squandered and abused. Certain city-states around the world are experts at this very thing that she despises. Celise shows no remorse in letting everyone know what a failure they are, and that they should be annexed by the army. All manner of vulgarity and amoral behavior makes her sick. Traditional views of family, nation, and gender roles are important to Celise. She has no problems with cooking, doing household chores, or taking care of the men in her life or around her. As a matter of fact, Celise relishes in keeping things nice and tidy, civil and orderly wherever she might find herself. This extends to her physical appearance and idea of femininity. She firmly believes that a woman's greatest strength is beauty, and such strength should not be trampled upon by toxic ideas. Individual freedoms such as thought and speech should also not be restrained on the basis of offense. However, pointless slander and insults are unnecessary. [/color][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]S T R I F E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=dadada]Celise uses what probably once was a ceremonial sword. The blade of the sword appears to be crafted from a dark metal with esoteric engravings of lighter shades. The base of the weapon along with the hilt is decorated with forged ornament of unknown origin and meaning. From tip to handle, the sword is roughly four feet, five inches long, but does not weigh an awful lot. The black metal is assumed to be unique. It cannot be found in any active mine or trading deposit, which indicates that it is finite and ancient. To this day, Celise is the only person with such an esoteric and mysterious weapon. She has no recollection of when or where she acquired it. Celise is a focused combatant. She knows a wide array of sword fighting techniques. Due to the sword’s light weight, Celise can maneuver it in uncanny ways that would otherwise feel odd and off to a normal person. However, she is a stationary fighter. Celise does not move around too much and often deals with one enemy at a time, making sure that things are actually dead before shifting attention. Celise’s use of spirits is balanced. She does not favor one or the other element, or any specific kind of catalyst. It makes her a well-rounded fighter, but not particularly good at anything. Celise has a couple of tricks up her sleeve, of course, combinations of elements and catalysts to use, but she rarely finds an excuse to be flashy or lust for blood. She would rather have those who live and breathe combat fight instead.[/color][/indent] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/WOZjDAk.png[/img][/center] [color=BABABA][sub]K I N S H I P[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=dadada] [sub][b]AJAX ARMSTRONG[/b][/sub] [indent]Celise has met Ajax on a number of occasions at the academy gym and obstacle course. The occasional, casual spotting of heavy weights turned into longer discussions about workout programs and nutrition. Celise received a lot of good tips on how she could achieve what she wanted.[/indent] [sub][b]MONTERO TIMBERSON[/b][/sub] [indent]Celise knows Montero by name and person. Handsome and mysterious.[/indent] [sub][b]JOMEN SURY[/b][/sub] [indent]Celise has throughout the years at Oakridge put up flyers about 'Exploring Shrines and the Unknown' to satisfy her need for exploration and spirituality. Jomen responded to these on a few occasions. Their outings to various locations were quite memorable, as Celise usually ended up doing it by herself.[/indent] [sub][b]DUKE KNIGHT iv[/b][/sub] [indent]Through her interactions with Ajax, Celise has gotten to know Duke a little bit. She has on more than one occasion supervised and timed the ideal men's sparring sessions. She has even broken up a few actual fights between them, and tended to bruises and swellings in the aftermath. On another note, Celise's 5'2" looks quite comical next to the 6'5"+ of both men.[/indent] [sub][b]ROLAND FREISEN[/b][/sub] [indent]Celise knows Roland, or 'Pardosa', quite well by now. They have clashed during lectures at the academy on numerous occasions. Both of them have very distinct idealisms that oppose each other. When things have gotten nasty, they have come to terms outside of lectures. However, they still conduct an ideological battle on some issues, so to speak.[/indent] [sub][b]LIESABET ABENDROTH[/b][/sub] [indent]Celise has known Liesabet for some time now, ever since they were young. If someone asked what kind of friend she is, Celise would not be able to explain it. There is nothing negative about it, there is nothing positive about it, there is nothing ordinary about it—it is just unique. The best explanation Celise could ever use to shed light on things would be: ”She needs me, I need her; I’m her opium, she is mine; She is my graven image, I am hers.”[/indent] [sub][b]ABYSSO YBARIS[/b][/sub] [indent]Celise knows Abysso from their shared division at the academy. They've been in the same group projects a few times, and both enjoy the actual navigation part of the division. She doesn't know much about him beyond their school work, however.[/indent] [/color][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]C O N T A C T S[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=dadada]. . . [/color][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]C H R O N I C L E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=dadada]. . .[/color][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]P R O P E R T Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=dadada] [indent][sub][color=bababa][b]Potion[/b] x2 [b]Elixir[/b] x1 [b]Renegade[/b] x1 [/color][/sub][/indent] [/color][/indent]