[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170529/12fe209055e15bed1bd1f1f13066232a.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/e9d5245322264bca9349599ed6a00b0e/tumblr_inline_np83rv3NEt1rrrkde_500.gif[/img] [@Afro Samurai][@FantasyChic][@LadyRunic][@Morose][@Nallore][/center][hr][hr] [color=FireBrick][i][b]Oshea Jackson[/b][/i][/color] and [color=ForestGreen][i][b]Ayita Dyrkin[/b][/i][/color] You both can see Quicksilver looking up from where he was standing. He started looking towards the front of the building, and he moved to head towards the front, where the gunshots were coming from. Scarlet Witch looked at him and sighed slightly. He got up and started running. He moved in a large circle, but before he reached the window where Starkette was sitting, he changed direction and headed towards the front door, right to where Oshea was standing. [color=7ea7d8]"Hey sis, looks like old Sabretooth hasn't dealt with them yet,"[/color] he said with a grin, and he took off running, right up to Oshea. [color=7ea7d8]"Well, let's see how fast you really are".[/color] Scarlet Witch ran over to where her brother was, but stopped short. She turned to face Ayita's hiding place. [color=red]"Looks like we have more than one,"[/color] she said, as she started to emanate a reddish glow from her hands. Her abilities started pulling Ayita from her hiding spot. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=007236]Marygold Isley[/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/a96d4baf99fb61611f371459a74eb9d5/tumblr_mzgo16jjzF1qdx5sqo1_250.gif [/img][/center][hr][hr] She looked over at Allison and gave her a slight smile. [color=007236]"In fights like this, sometimes you don't have to be the best fighter, you just have to have the biggest brains,"[/color] she said as she kept on walking, but stopped suddenly. There was a window identical to the one that Cassandra and Starkette had found on the other side. It was several feet off the ground, in order to get in they would have to find a way to boost themselves up. Luckily, Marygold had a way for them to reach the window. [color=007236] "Good thing we are surrounded by trees,"[/color] she said with a smile, and started moving her hands around. The nearby bushes and trees bent at her movements, and soon, there was a small staircase made out of trees and bushes leading up to the window.[color=007236]"Alright Allison, let's go,"[/color] she said as she started walking up to the window. [hr][hr][h1][center][color=blue]Beast[/color][/center][/h1] [center][img]http://puppsfreestuff.com/files/Xmen4Beast12fLG.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] Beast came tearing out of the trees and tackled Sabretooth before he could try anything. The two roll on to the ground, both letting out a loud roar as they go. Beast managed to look towards Cassandra and Starkette, and was glad that they seemed unharmed. He continued rolling around on the ground, but eventually proved to be no match for Sabretooth, for he picked him up and threw against the wall of the building, and tackled him again. He had a deep gash on his arm, but he continued to keep Sabretooth busy for the two non-mutants nearby. Beast knew that he was way out of his league, but so were the SHIELD agents. Soon, he didn't really know what they were doing, he couldn't see what was happening with them. He tried to get a few words out, but he was too busy trying to deal with Sabretooth.