[@Samdragonx][@Letmehaveone2] The little bunny stretched and then sneazed. What was this? sand? She looked up to see the sunny blue skies and the seagulls that cawed as they circled overhead outside a... what was it? A castle? Wow! A real castle! Mizu sat up and shook herself off, her little paws rubbing against her nose and cheeks as she cleaned her whiskers. All this sand sure looked fun to dig in, but it did seem to get everywhere. [i]Oh well[/i], she thought.[i]At least there's no sign of that nasty man in sight. And I have a whole castle to play in![/i]. Still a little shaken up from her early run in, she dag a little hole to hide her money in and then popped her head outside, looking around. Oh! There was the man she'd run into earlier. Mizu paused for a moment, and then realised that she hadn't been harmed or anything. In fact, he'd taken her away from that nasty man! Nervously, Mizu hopped out the castle and hid behind his foot, looking up at his friend. He smelled salty, like the ocean.