Brielle chuckled "oh yeah..." she reflected on those times for a moment, "I used to be terrible.." It had seemed so long ago that the two of them would run off into the demon riddled forests to sparr. Surprisingly never having an incident happen while out in the wild. He was far better at close range and typically won - but Brielle had advanced with him. Eventually throwing Eden on his ass a few times. Her stomach twisted a bit when Eden made the comment towards Lucile. It was actually really his influence that had her soften up on halfbreeds. They had many arguments and long talks about why she shouldn't hold the rage with her. The King also holding relevance in her change of heart. She of course, as shown with Lucile, still had her moments of disgust. But the memory of when she too, thought Eden may be one when she was younger - rang through her sharply. Brielle admitted this later after they became friends - too which she will argue it was a Young and dumb mentality to have. In the midst of her and Eden talking about what to demonstrate for the youth - she noticed Lucile had moved away from her and to another demon. Her lips pursed in a disapproval - she walked over and noticed the female guard a sense of relief. Brielle looked back to Eden as he mentioned being late, "hold on". As she got closer, she became more aware of the features of the other half demon. Gripping her bow instinctually, it was still so unnerving seeing certain halfbreeds. The claws really unsettled her. Brielle walked over to the female guard and started talking to her curtly - turning to Lucile promptly with a smirk. "How do you feel about her watching you? I'm not a guard and well," she looked over to Sylvia who shot her daggers of now having the responsibility of two halfbreeds. "I'm going to escort Edens class to the forest, and train" she explained, though she didn't owe him one. "Yeah, and maybe you should do your assigned job for the day so we don't all starve...." Sylvia uttered. It was apparent the two weren't the closest. [@Lightning][@WhiteMoths][@Hawlin]