[hider=Luther] [center][h3][color=forestgreen][b][u]Luther[/u][/b][/color][/h3] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/13/0e/c9/130ec907c3a9f44e868663546130b238--fantasy-ranger-male-archer-concept.jpg[/img][hr][hr] [/center] [b][color=forestgreen]Age:[/color][/b] [indent]27[/indent] [b][color=forestgreen]Appearance:[/color][/b] [indent]Luther is tall and broad shouldered, with his right arm and back being larger than his left due to the constant strain put on them from pulling back his longbow string. He has long, straw-coloured hair with a unique set of gold eyes and stubble around his broad face. Although there aren't many scars on his face, once his shirt is off one can tell he's one to constantly find himself in danger. Among the many scars on his body, there is one in particular that goes down the entire length of his back, from right shoulder to the left hip just above the posterior iliac spine.[/indent] [b][color=forestgreen]Background:[/color][/b] [indent]Luther grew up in a small settlement on the fringes of a blasted forest. As a child born in such a harsh world, from the moment of his birth it was required of him to be stronger than any child had any right to be. His early life was an immense struggle, food was scarce, he nearly died from malnourishment more times than he could possibly hope to count and it was as though the world was bent on his death as it threw countless obstacles in his path. From creatures plunging and raiding their small settlement, to having find refuge within desecrated forest filled with dead trees that shed dust and poison. Then he was given a bow by their village leader when their hunter grew too old. There was no else young enough to master the skill required to gather food. He took the burden quietly and trained with the dying hunter until he could hunt on his own, learning to hide from the many creatures that dwelt within that fell forest, he learned ways to move quickly and quietly, the methods of tracking down game and hunting down monsters that got too close to their tiny settlement. Soon, he became the guardian of their village tasked with both hunting food and protecting their village. Yet, no matter how hard he tried, it seemed the world was against his people. The earth would spawn creatures of such mind-twisting figures to destroy them, the trees would topple on anyone who got too close, and blasted grounds beneath them, in a final attempt to rid the world of his village, split to swallow them. It was only through fortune that Luther had been away on a hunt when he felt the earthquake and when he returned to his village to find nothing there, he fell to his knees and wept. Thus, with nothing left, he moved on, sending a small prayer to his people, hoping in some way that their lives beneath the earth was far better than the hell upon its surface.[/indent] [b][color=forestgreen]Personality:[/color][/b] [indent]Luther is a hard, brutish man. Blunt, straightforward, and incredibly stubborn. On the outside, one would easily see him as crass and savage, and although he is that in truth, he is also incredibly selfless with a great amount of compassion. Sacrifice for him is only a part of life, and he would see sacrificing himself for others, in any way be it his life or his safety, as a duty upon himself towards those who cannot defend themselves. And one of the most shocking things that others learn of him is the freedom he allows himself in expressing his emotions and the immense love he has for life.[/indent] [b][color=forestgreen]Skills:[/color][/b] [indent][list] [*]Hunting [*]Tracking [*]Crafting arrows [*]Sewing and stitching his own armour [*]Creating poisons and salves from herbs [/list][/indent] [b][color=forestgreen]Equipment:[/color][/b] [indent][list] [*]Gambeson over a chain hauberk [*]Brown cloak [*]Quiver [*]Sword belt with a shortsword [*]Bow [/list][/indent] [/hider]