[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/da/0c/d5/da0cd5412af062332efc6d1447c03d4a.jpg[/img][/center] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Rex Drake [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 21 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Gear:[/b][/u] Armor is [url=http://monsterhunter.wikia.com/wiki/Derring_Armor_(Both)_(MHGen)]full Derring gear[/url], dyed black. Currently utilizes a [url=http://monsterhunter.wikia.com/wiki/Hunter's_Rifle_(MH3U)]Hunter's Rifle[/url] (equipped with Long Barrel and Variable Zoom Scope attachments). Rex has a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/8f/bb/88/8fbb88290d9ae15995018abe0998e5ae.jpg]bone dagger[/url] that his father gave to him before he died, which he is extremely attached to (sometimes even violently so). [u][b]Fighting Style/Tactics:[/b][/u] Rex is very much used to solo hunting, which often shows itself when in the field; examples of this include following a monster into another area without another thought, planting traps/barrel bombs and throwing flash/sonic bombs without notifying others, and (if he has them) firing Crag and Cluster Shot with reckless abandon. Despite this, he is surprisingly good support, in terms of utilizing Demon, Armor, and Health Shot... however, he's been known to accidentally shoot a monster with the last of those three. Because of his actions he finds himself targeted by monsters quite a bit, so he's gotten quite good at dodging and evading. [u][b]Useful Skills:[/b][/u] While more of a Jack-of-all-trades than most, Rex excels in long-range sniping, and has learned to read monsters' behavior and body language to judge a target's health. [u][b]Personality Buff(s):[/b][/u] Rex tends to have a difficult time communicating with others (even those he's known for [i]years[/i]), which means that his comrades have been known to be jumped by smaller monsters out in the field. So far, nobody has been killed, but because it hasn't happened [i]yet[/i], that doesn't mean it won't happen. Due to what can only be described as ADD he tends to notice things that others wouldn't (a monster stalking the group, a rare/valuable item, etc.). [u][b]Miscellaneous:[/b][/u] - Rex has weak Psychic abilities; in-game, this would be equal to +5 Skill Points (where +10 is Detect, and +15 is Autotracker). - Has an extremely odd habit of shooting targets in the knee, even if he isn't using a Bow.