“And cut! Beautiful that’s a wrap everyone! Byron great job.” The director called out to the young man as he climbed down from the ‘rooftop’ they had him on. The action movie had just finished up the shooting process and Byron Taylor wiped his brow with the back of his hand before shooting that award-winning smile at the director. “Thank you for this opportunity; it is an honor to work with you. I hope we can work together in the future.” The director ignored Byron’s hand and pulled him into a hug which the young man returned with joy. “Anytime Byron, you were a pleasure to work with, I’ll be in touch that’s for sure.” With that the two parted ways only to have Byron be stopped by a bouncy blonde girl who clung to him as soon as she found him in the crowd. “Hey baby!” The blonde, his ‘girlfriend’ Jessica said to him sounding way too happy. “You look great in your action gear, all covered in dirty and grim…” “Don’t forget mud.” He said playfully pulling some from his clothing and attempting to put it on her only to have her jump ten feet away from him. “Come on Jess it’s only mud.” He said sounding disappointed as he flicked the mud from his hands onto the ground. “You know I don’t like that type of stuff.” “I just thought you were used to it; but you wear mud masks all the time…” “That’s not the same thing.” Jessica spouted off sounding more defensive than Byron was expecting and he raised his hands in defeat. “Sorry…” “Whatever, anyway tomorrow there’s a movie premiere I want to go to.” “I’m sorry, I can’t go I have the ‘day with Byron’ tomorrow for charity. Apparently they drew the winner.” Byron explained as he pulled open the door to his trailer. “Well, ditch it. Nothing should be more important than me.” At that Byron stopped, his attention turned directly to Jessica and his face darkened, his green eyes narrowed in dislike and Jessica seemed to shrink under his gaze. “I will not ditch something to do with my fans, nor will I ditch something to do with charity. If it wasn’t for my fans I wouldn’t be here today. And they deserve to know that, and there are people out there who are a lot worse off than we are and they need assistance.” With that he stepped inside and slammed the door shut. Sometimes her thought pattern just shocks him, which is probably why he doesn’t view her as a solid girlfriend; it’s more just a title the press gave them. The next day Byron jumped into his [url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-iTM49mk3-ag/TlvJ5rC2ekI/AAAAAAAAAJU/8E4S9WAp12c/s1600/most+amazing+car-3.jpg]car[/url] and drove to the address what was provided, lucky for him, the address was to Anna’s apartment and not to his mom’s home. Soon the family would be moving to his house for a few weeks for him to send time them. They all moved in tomorrow and he couldn’t he happier. Plus it meant that he could finally see his farm again! Walking swiftly up the stairs he was dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans and a nice polo shirt. He was told his guest today would be a woman so he brought a dozen of white daffodils. With that he ran his hand through his curly blonde hair then knocked on the door.