"Good," Dulcena rewarded Rolf White with smile, pleased with his quick response. He was some kind of magic user, if she could judge by the shackles he bore, inscribed with a protective magic to keep him from breaking the lock with his magic. Carelessly flaunting that forbidden skill was probably why he had been imprisoned in the first place, though she did not know the history of many of the prisoners here. It was entirely possible his crime was more sinister, though she had difficulty imagining the physically unimposing man before her had committed atrocities. Looks could be deceiving though. She held up a key, indicating that he should present his shackles to her. It was symbolic in a way and she had insisted to the jailor that she should be the one to physically release them from their restraints. She unlocked first his left wrist, then the right. "Stay right here," she commanded, then moved to the next prisoner. "What do you choose?"