[img]http://i.imgur.com/MMz3kht.png[/img] She heard the man attempting to cheer her up with words of advice that she only just registered before the woman who had offered to take her somewhere helped her to her feet. Her wings drooping behind her she walked, something she would never do, the small rocks and debris that she stepped over hurting her feet but she didn’t care. Unlike others that have walked all their lives the bottom of her feet are incredibly soft thanks to not actually being used. She couldn’t care less however, when they reached the car that she was led to she would look up, it was monstrous to her small body, she would spread her wings and lift herself up getting in the car. As the woman started her car the music that came blasting out hurt her ears causing her to flinch visibly. When it was turned down she would bring her knees up to her chest and lower her head. The world would blur by outside of her own mind, she barely even heard the radio now playing as background sound. It could have been a millennium or it could have been a second before they arrived at the hospital she couldn’t have told you. [b]“A’ight, here we are. Ya...want my number or somethin’ so ya got a ride back? Don’t know if you’re gonna be wantin’ to stay the night here or not.”[/b] Cienna would look up at the woman her eyes seeming empty as she looked at the mask that the woman wore. She considered it for a moment “I… I… I don’t know…” she answered truthfully before continuing “h… how far… ar… are we from…” she would breathe softly “Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library” a dejected look on her face, if she could find the library where she worked she would be able to make it home from here on her own without having to be a burden to anyone else. “I…if… if it’s… not too far…” she looked down again “I… I can get home…” she would say softly as she waited for The woman to respond. “Cienna… it… it’s… my… my name…” she would add after a few seconds. “th… thank… thank you…” she would reach into the other side of her top pulling out her small purse, opening it she would pull out a few notes feeling them before handing over a $100 note. “f…for… fuel…” she says softly.