[u][b]Lighthouse - Brother Abraham [/b][/u] “Brother Reed, Sister Ada,” Abraham called out, a few heads turned at the fire pit. “We are returning to the Crater.” One moved to where Abraham stood. “Why is there an Inquisitor here?” Adad asked curtly, tilting her head and crossing her arms. “Because Brother Quaid must answer for his crimes no doubt.” “What am I supposed to tell everyone? Can’t exactly go around saying that till he answers for them now can I?” There was the sound of thunder, Abraham glanced at the sky. “Tell them I am under investigation then.” she widened her eyes and looked around to make sure no one else had heard. “Why in Atom’s name would you want me to say that?” He pulled is robes closely around him and pulled up his hood “Just do it.” he looked her in the eyes and leaned in, “The only thing you should be focused on is getting Brother Reed and making ready to leave.” Thunder cracked again, “Now let’s go.” she furrowed her brow and stepped away, back to the others calling out to Reed. Abraham turned and moved to find Gretchen, she was leaning against the door, unsubtly attempting to eavesdrop. “Sister Gretchen,” she stepped back from the door and looked at Abraham, he moved towards her. “If the Inquisitor asks my whereabouts tell him I’ve gone back to Crater House.” “You’re leaving already.” Gretchen’s voice was pained. “Yes, no pass my word along and answer any questions he asks you.” She stepped back, her eyes darting about. “I don’t understand, why is an Inquisitor here? What is going on?” “Just do as I say,” And without another word Abraham turned and walked away. ----------- [u][b]Light House - Brother Quaid [/b][/u] "Lastly, brother, what do you say to these allegations? Have you seen any truth to the rumors that your congregation has been attacking nonbelievers? And if so, why?" Quaid raised his eyebrows, a bit surprised at the Inquisitor’s direct line of questioning. “Well you are right, we deal with the unfaithful on a daily basis here. It is a burden, but one we must endure.” Quaid shifted himself, leaning forward and sitting in a less reclined and relaxed position. “My congregation suffers from a constant lack of supplies, a problem we must address ourselves and solve to our own satisfaction. “ Quaid broke eye contact with the Inquisitor for a moment, “Though it is not a major issue and certainly not one the High Confessor need concern himself with.” He glanced at his gamma gun then back to the Inquisitor. “Our main issue is the one of our defense, the Commonwealth is a violent place, unlike the Capital Wasteland it has not been swept clean of its raider clans and mutant dens. We must defend ourselves.” Quaid nodded as if to himself, “And it is for this reason that we have sometimes taken to arms against the unbelievers. Faith alone cannot protect you here, you must have firepower.” These last words Quaid spoke directly into the Inquisitor’s eye-holes, almost as if in warning. “As far as our relationship with the locals I can say it is strained at best, they may not look it, but every settler in the region is a raider when food gets scarce. Our retaliation against them is no doubt the source of these rumors. They have suffered Atom’s justice and though complain that the judgement was unfair or too harsh.” Quaid leaned forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees. “Who are they to judge our God? And our vengeance?”