The day had finally come, Elizabeth had received notice the day prior that today she would be receiving a house guest of the demi-human variety and she could barely hold back the excitement that she felt. She spent much of the day yesterday cleaning the house and making sure that whichever guest she would be looking after would be happy in their new home. She decided that she would wait until she met them before shopping for the welcoming party as she had no idea what their dietary requirements were. She would just feel terrible if her guest was of the vegetarian varieties and prepared a meat feast, or vice versa. The day was lovely outside however Elizabeth couldn’t help the nerves building inside her she felt as if she were going to burst from the excitement, bouncing on the spot most of the morning staring at the clock waiting for the appointed time. The letter she received mentioned that her guests would be arriving approximately 1pm. She could barely sleep the night before such were her nerves. She pondered if they would like her, if they were male or female, and many other thoughts ran through her mind. She had been preparing for this day for so long, and now it was finally here she had no idea she would feel this excited. There was only one caveat to her excitement and that was the fact she was so nervous that they wouldn’t like her. However, she knew that these feeling would pass as the seasons do once her guest arrived. Today she wore a mini-skirt that sat just above the middle of her thighs and a tight top that hugged her body showing off her natural curves. She had chosen this outfit as she had been told that it brought out the very best of her appearance. She had her hair platted and tidy while her eyes, staring through her glasses were a vibrant purple today, she was feeling in a purple mood, or so she would explain. The hours ticked by slowly while she managed to find activities to keep herself from going out of her mind. She was preparing a simple lunch when she heard the doorbell ring, suddenly her appetite dried up as she stood, her nerves suddenly caught her again causing her to catch herself on the table. She took a deep breath to steady her nerves and strode towards her front door. It was specially modified for even creatures that were twice human height to be able to fit through, like the rest of her house it was designed with monsters in mind. Opening the door, she saw a Tall man, well tall compared to herself with a shock of brown hair and a friendly disposition about him. She recognized the man immediately as he had been working with her through all the paper work and procedures she had gone through to become a host family. “Mr Xanders!” she exclaimed with a somewhat squeaky voice in owing to her own excitement. “Greetings Miss Tyler.” He replied his voice warm and almost honeyed as he gave her one of his best smiles straightening out his suit as he looked over the woman that he himself would have dated in his younger years were he not married. This thought made him chuckle before he refocused on the task at hand. “Miss Tyler, would you mind if we have a quick chat before we introduce you.” He added his tone belying that he was hiding something. “Sure” She said sounding a little nervous at the prospect of a chat with the man whom was about to introduce her to her new housemate. “Well…” he says taking a deep breath, “A situation has come up, and we…” he trails off as if thinking how to word what he had to say next. “I don’t get a housemate today?” she asked the disappointment clearly evident in her voice. “No, No, quite the opposite in fact.” Mr Xanders responded almost too quickly. “We actually have two housemates for you, if you wouldn’t mind that is, as we need to find a home for both of them and you have a house specially designed to accommodate demi-humans, and multiple demi-humans at that.” He would continue. “Would you accept both of them into your home please.” He asked calmly as if the question wasn’t actually a question but a forgone conclusion. Elizabeth nodded all excited again, though thinking rapidly about the things she would have to get at the shop soon to better accommodate to both her house guests. Mr Xanders lead them to a specially designed transport vehicle that could transport any and all breeds of demi-humans and opened the door. Revealing a relatively normal looking boy and girl, “Introduce yourself guys.” Xanders would say to the pair of demi-humans before continuing “This is Elizabeth Rose Tyler, your host family” he would add the last part with a touch of pride, as if it were all his doing that they were both there.