A hooded she-elf entered a tavern full of drunks and gamblers. She moved throughout the bar, avoiding as much contact with anyone as she could, until finally settling on the seat next to the large black cat, Armuille. Next to him was the tiger, Bernen, and a golden haired man clad in dragoncrest armor. "I am looking for the monster hunters, those that killed the kraken in Duhill," the elven woman spoke softly to the muleki. "It is known that two great muleki warriors are among the group. Might you be one of them?" "Ha!" Bernen spat. "Armuille is no great warrior. I am the one you wish to speak with, ma'dam. I am the invincible Bernen!" She handed Bernen a king's letter she held in her sidepocket. Bernen opened it up and looked at the words written within it. "Uhh...it says..."Bernen started. "You can not read you fool!" Armuille shouted with glee, then stole the king's note from the cat. "Just tell us what it says," Dalious spoke up, then took a drink of whiskey from his canteen. "You have been invited to greet the elven king of Faestone, his highness Everendall Faowind," she said. "I am Ardenelle, and I will escort you to the king." "Your king is at war with the human king," Dalious said. "We want nothing to do with the war. We fight the creatures of the world for the people in it, and are aligned to no one but ourselves." "King Faowind does not request you to take part in that war," Ardenelle went on. "He needs your aid with a creature. Or Creatures. Something terrorizes his lands, I will tell you more along the journey." "You will tell us now, so that we may properly prepare," Armuille stated. He was the intellect of the group, always learning through books and doing his research. He was also a fine alchemist, it was he who brewed the concoction that stilled the kraken, giving Dalious the time to fire at it. "I do not know, if I had to guess, werewolves." she plainly said. "They have been slaughtering any travelers, and killing elves wherever they please. The smell of war has brought them from their darkness, and we need you to stop them for us." Armuille left immediately to go study up on the creatures, forgetting to pay his tab and heading back to the sparrow. "And the king is too busy to do this himself?" Dalious said. "You will be paid greatly, if you do this." "Now you're speaking my language, lass. By the way, we've been running from people all our lives." Dalious took a quick second to take another drink of his whiskey. "How'd a small elf-girl like you find us?" "I'm very good at what I do, sir," she responded, a slight smirk on her face. She had been a hunter her entire life, there was no one or thing she felt she couldn't find. "Also word of you here came up after you killed the Griffin in Folkstead. How did you kill that Griffin, if you don't mind me asking?" "Shot it down with a clean shot," Dalious answered. "Bernen here then cut its head off." Bernen purred, and Dalious stood up with a toast in mind for his men still awake yet. "We sail to Faestone then, ready the ship! This one will set us straight for life, mates. Cheers!" They all drank shots. The rest of the night was a blur for Dalious, but in the morning everyone was fresh and readied to sail. The elf Ardenelle had an elven ship of her own that followed behind the Sparrow, as the pirates and Dalious all sang a mighty shanty together. [hider=Pirate's sea shanty] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRLzfoySFWc [/hider] In three days time they reached the waters of the elves, their trees and structures a beautiful sight for all to see. Some of the pirates rode in to the city with their mouth opened, as they had never seen such magnificence. [img]http://static.wixstatic.com/media/763c60_6b849c4f02294f789d503c9400b3d81d~mv2.jpg[/img] When they ported, Ardenelle led Dalious and his quarter master, Armuille, toward and into the palace of the king. The others waited in the city itself, and were allowed to enjoy the marketplace and its luxuries as welcomed guests. Dalious and Armuille headed down the long hallway of the throne room, where at the end of it sat the elven king himself. To either side of him were beautiful woman, one that Dalious may or may not have known. He looked to Sybil, but he did not recognize her immediately, and instead focused his attention on the king himself. "Captain Dalious Durendail and his quarter master, Armuille," Ardenelle spoke out to the king. "The monster hunters themselves, slayers of the kraken of Duhill." Ardenelle then took to formation with the other elven guards. "Nice place you have here, your highness," Dalious spoke and gave a soft bow. "Let us quickly get down to brass tax, your grace. You want us to kill monsters for you, the answer is yes. If, you help us out as well..." Dalious fixed his mustache and combed back his hair with a free hand. "We are but brave pirates with a ship and two cats. We need an upgrade, and the support of the elves. Elven weapons and armor and a few things for our ship..." "Eh, we need silver if we are fighting werebeasts," Armuille added in. "My research indicates that silver straight to their heart will kill them." "And we need silver," Dalious said. "And also lots of ale."