When the woman who had introduced herself as stride told her to keep it she would turn to face her before slowly nodding putting it away again and jumping out of the car using her wings to glide to the ground and then letting her wings droop down again she would walk into the hospital. The cold white of the overly polished floor and sterile air hit her like a truck. It made her feel ill that she was the reason that Julie ended up here. She would walk past several people who happened to be milling around the main entrance who gave her more than just a second look. She ignored the looks that she was getting from the humans, not only was it rare to see a fairy, but one who was dressed in so little and bigger than a few inches was a sight to see. She approached the information services window raising her wings and flittering up so that she could see above it. The woman behind the counter was an older nurse with greying hair and big broad framed glasses. “What can I help you with dearie.” Her aged voice asked gently, a much practiced tone of friendliness there even if she could see how Cienna felt with the look on her face she never let it slip. Cienna would produce her wrist for the lady to read Julies full name “Is she here?” her voice was soft and slightly scared. “Lemme just check for you dearie” she responded as the sounds of her fingers tapping on a keyboard reached her. “Yes, she’s just checked into ward 1… that’s odd” she said softly before continuing “It says here that’s a public access ward.” With a look of suspicion, that should be a private wing. “Can I get her put in private please” Cienna would say softly, and pay all medical bills please.” She said producing her credit card and handing it over. “anything she wants… Please…” she asked again softly. A few more key strokes and the older woman replied with “All done love, would you like to go see her now?” “Please, but… can I get help… I’m blind…” she said again. The old lady then organized to have someone come and take Cienna to Julie, upon arriving to the room she would find a way to a chair, moving it close to Julie’s bed and would sit beside it holding her hand. The night slowly vanished as she sat there holding Julies hand her own thoughts racing in circles, driving her to distraction. Eventually she must have drifted to sleep as she felt a soft hand touch her shoulder and she opened her eyes to find light coming in through the blinded windows. "'scuse me miss." the younger nurse said to her. "But, I think you should be headin' home yourself soon, gotta take care o' yerself too ya know" her thick accent not bothering Cienna at all. "'ah promise if ya come back this aftanoon they'll let you back 'ere." she continued unabated. Cienna didn't want to move and said as much in a quite voice, before the nurse explained that she really needed to look after herself and get some rest, and that Julie would still be here waiting for her. She also promised that when Julie woke up they would call her immediately so she agreed to go home. The nurse must have been told that Cienna was blind as she escorted her to the main doors and asked if she had a way to get home. Cienna would nod slowly, "I can make my way..." she said as she spread her wings to take off raising into the air the nurse noted that her feet were bruised and cut from walking. "Your feet." the nurse said shocked before making her sit on a chair while she bandaged them. "Keep offa them lil miss, you'll do ya self more damage than good" her instructions were firm. The wind was rather turbulent outside so Cienna was unable to read it to find her way to the library. So she did the only thing she could think, she pulled out her cell phone, which surprisingly hadn't died on her. She Gave the phone the command to ring the number that Stride had entered and waited while it rang. She answered on the third call.. "Stride?" her voice was small... "can you please take me home?" she would sound like she was crying having to ask this of someone else. [@EchoicChamber][@GoodLuckTuck]