[@Avanhelsing] Abel felt that smile he had grow larger with each part owen said. That is...until abel caught him saying he was better then what owen deserved. He let owen continue, but his smile was basically gone now. The thought that his soulmate hated himself. He looked down, the words hit him hard. After owen finished, abel stood then made his way to owen and crouched down in front of him. Clearly, those words had settled on him heavily. [color=pink]"Owen....You deserve to be happy. Don't sell yourself short"[/color] He paused uncertain before reaching forward and hugging his should mate. It felt like the best hug he had ever given. Like he was home. He couldn't help it. Pretty soon a soft noise was escaping his throat. If anyone knew cats, they would know that that sound was purring. He was content...happy even to be touching his should mate. He didn't even think about whether or not his should mate would be really weirded out about it or not. Abel eventually pulled back and gave him a small smile. [color=pink]"I insist you stay the night"[/color] It was pretty late already anyway, but he really didn't want owen leaving yet. It made him happy to have him in his home...his scent mixed with his. ~Time Skip~ Abel had decided to give owen the bed so that his soulmate would be comfortable. His sleeping form in only sweatpants took up the length of the couch as light began to stream into the window. It was more clear in the daylight that his furniture was arranged so that the sun's lights would hit each piece of furniture depending on the time of day.