The half-breed decided now was a fantastic time to make a joke. [color=c4df9b]"I personally prefer my blood fresh and tasty of the human variety."[/color] she said, and Kiera instinctively flexed her hand quickly in front of her, ready to dart to her blade before realising she was just trying to bait the captain. [color=c4df9b]." Not that I require it the same way full vampires do, mimd you. No need to worry about me going frenzy about it."[/color] Well Kiera would hold herself guarded as always until proven otherwise, after all vampires were known for their deception What happened next Kiera was not sure anyone could have predicted. With a gesture too quick to give anyone the chance to look away her dress dropped away from her. Despite her misgivings, Kiera turned to give the half-breed some modesty, keeping her in the corner of her eye though. She also noticed that although many were given the chance to look away, they didn't take it. As soon as they were sure she was looking away the pair of militia kept glancing back to her scantily clad form and probably drinking in the sight of their lives. Kiera shook her head Interestingly their priest was merely shrugging off most comments in regards to his dark magics. She didn't like his comment of "I'll save you for last." but she was getting used to people's poor sense of humour in a place like this, and even if it wasn't a jest she would do all she would to stop him from getting that far. [color=royalblue]"Captain, we won't be off tonight will we? And perhaps you'd like to tell us what you warned us about when you said anything in the darkness dies?"[/color] She was no coward, but she would not throw her life away. [color=royalblue]"As ever, my sword always stands ready to guard against the darkness."[/color] she followed quickly with to affirm her previous thoughts, but also a slight jab towards her more gloomy companions