Steel waved goobye to Andre as the boy stormed out of the room with Genta in tow, glancing at Megan. The girl was fuming from how Andre looked at her, clearly, and seemed to just about forget about the dark dorm students. She also exited the room, but clearly went a different direction. One of Steel's goons walked up to him, the older boy casting a sideway glance at the shorter minion. [b]"Aye, boss, ya think it's a good idea to let 'im go?"[/b] [color=8493ca]"Relax. I gave 'im a warning, if he still messes with us then he'll get what's coming ta 'im. Plus, the other two gangs are gettin' stronger each day. We can't be wastin' time with punks like 'im..."[/color] Meanwhile, Genta was stumbling after Andre, following him up the staircase. Even though Andre had his back turned to him, the boy was still very displeased. His face was twisted into a scowl and his eyes were staring down at the floor, with his hands being curled up into fists. He didn't really know where Andre was going but this wasn't the first time that had been the case. [color=F38014]" really think we should've let them go, teach? We could've totally taken them in a duel! And that girl was going to help us, too..."[/color] Genta was extremely frustrated and that was reflected in the tone of his voice, a lot less chipper than usual. Genta stared at his academy-licensed disk, deck slotted in as the two of them continued up the staircase. Genta sighed again. [color=F38014]"Uhn... nevermind. We should probably find someone to duel, huh? It's the last exam... then again, you're so amazing that I don't see you failing at all, haha..."[/color][hr]Cream's face tried its best to remain stoic and serious, but the more ben spoke the harder it became to hide the laugh that she'd been containing. It got so far that when Ben commented on her success she had to turn around and cover her mouth, giggling inside of her hand for a little while. It was a bit odd, but the girl looked like she was enjoying the conversation. Once she regained her composure, she turned back to face him with a fierce nod. [color=f6989d]"Sorry, sorry! No need to warn me! Just from talking to you I can already tell you're the real deal. I like you, Ben! You're honest, y'kno-?"[/color] A sudden slam from her left made Cream flinch and turn around, instantly reaching for her deck case. Once she saw what the source was, that being Joshua slamming Leander into a wall, Cream just groaned. The girl buried her face in her hands, mumbling [color=f6989d]"not him..."[/color] underneath. She lowered her hands again soon enough, apologetically smiling at Ben. [color=f6989d]"Sorry! Can't stick around anymore. But you're a good person, so have this! I think it suits you perfectly!"[/color] Clicking open the deck box, Cream pulled out a card and shoved it into Ben's hands. With a friendly wave she then skipped off, worming her way through the spectator seats, trying her best to get as far away from Joshua as she possibly could. If Ben were to look down at the card he received from her he could see that it was the Fairy-type '[url=]Honest[/url]', a good fit for any LIGHT deck.[hr]It didn't take long for Angelo to reach the simulator, but he had to wait a few minutes before he could enter. A student was using it and seemed to be trying out a duel puzzle as a few people were watching the screen. It seemed to be a generic 'Reduce your opponent's lifepoints to 0' problem, but the student was stuck. He'd forgotten about the opponent's face-up spell card and failed the puzzle because of it, walking out disappointed and dejected. It was then Angelo's turn to come inside, and even though he entered the code in the Duel Runner's display it didn't look like the puzzle was at all focused around Turbo Dueling. Luckily for Angelo though, it was based around his deck as the coupon implied it would. The objective was simple: Synchro Summon three times this turn. The opponent did not have any cards in their hand, field or graveyard but their lifepoints were infinite. Angelo had seven cards in hand, one in the deck and three in the Extra Deck. His hand contained: [url=]Dragunity Primus Pilus[/url], [url=]Dragunity Militum[/url], [url=]Dragunity Darkspear[/url], [url=]Dragunity Aklys[/url], [url=]Double Summon[/url], [url=]Dragon Mastery[/url] and [url=]Dragunity Divine Lance[/url]. His deck had [url=]Dragunity Phalanx[/url] in it and his Extra deck was filled with [url=]Dragunity Knight - Barcha[/url], [url=]Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg[/url] and [url=]Dragunity Knight - Vajrayana.[/url] A bit of thought was going to be needed, but at least he got a sweet, simulated view of his actions coming to life.[hr]Lite lightened up as Maisy gently placed her hand on his shoulder, looking away when she mentioned his dream dying. However, this moment of calm was then followed up by a storm as she shook him around, his eyes widening. He took a deep breath once she'd finished shaking him around, looking up with a mix of fear and awe as he listened to her talk. The longer she talked, the more dejected he looked. At some point he'd even pulled out his deck, staring at it wordlessly as Maisy's speech continued to ring in Lite's ears. At the end of it all, he frowned and bit his lip. Furthermore he closed his eyes and tightened the grip on his cards, but he was still careful enough not to bend them. [color=AFCBA4]"Yo-you're... you're right."[/color] Lite meekly said, eyes shooting open and meeting Maisy's with determination. He picked himself up from the floor, still shaky but incredibly resolute. [color=AFCBA4]"I... I want to make people happy through dueling... I want other people to see how amazing this game is! I shouldn't be getting pushed around and use it to hurt people... I'll do it! I'll duel you! This'll be my first step to-!"[/color] Lite kept talking and talking, until eventually a 'Shhh!' coming from every mouth in the library. He had been a little loud and this callback to reality made Lite shrink again, meekly following Maisy out of the library and towards one of the arenas.