[@Samdragonx][@Letmehaveone2] Oh, Mizu was getting pet! Hoorah! Her eyes closed a little as the nice man ran his hands over her soft fur. Being in rabbit form was great today! She hadn't been chased by foxes or anything! Mizu looked over at the man's new friend. Oh goodness, that was... a shark tail? Mizu knew exactly what was happening here. She wriggled excitedly in the nice man's hands, her nose twitching, and then remembered most people didn't speak bunny. Well, she could fix that. She leaped forward in the air, shifting into a human and tacklehugging the wereshark (woops, sticked the landing again!). "Or or or! You might be like me and you can shift whenever! But but but, I knew since I was a little kitchild. Oops, sorry." She took a wobbly step back and sheepishly tucked her hands behind her back, dragging a foot in the sand, and looked up at the gentleman who had saved her from that nasty old robber. "Thankyou for saving me! I like your sand castle. I'm sorry I tricked you, I'm actually a person! And also a bunny! A bunny person!"