Other Deities/Beings Demons of interest ________________________________ [URL=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-jC77zha8lK0/T3ru_6G5TwI/AAAAAAAAALg/jfeeJzhHdC0/s320/white+suit.jpg]Kudd[/URL]-[URL=http://www.wizards.com/mtg/images/daily/arcana/1737_j78b7tid6q.jpg]Gro'Feesah[/URL]: He's been around for a long time since mankind was born. In ancient times he was ruthless and powerful until he raged a war against the Gods, his name then was Satan. Current Tiien only remembered him by one name and he’s back after the nuclear war, freed from his prison in the Inferno, which ended the modern world. He is the lord of Demons and Infernal magic to rip apart the Gods’ most precious creation: The world itself. [URL=http://s3.amazonaws.com/rapgenius/polls_satan_by_jack_chick_3618_824119_poll_xlarge.jpeg]Gornun'Tu-Gash[/URL]: Kudd's right-hand man, he's been with the Dark Lord since the beginning of time. He is a mere rat compared to his master, but even the most powerful mortal Demonomancers pale in comparison to him. He specializes in using mortal's weaknesses against them, especially greed. [URL=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/195/5/d/Demon_bird_by_FirstKeeper.jpg]Gro'Kree[/URL]: Bird-like demons who feed primarily on human flesh. They are known by their distinctive "Kree" screech. [URL=http://www.sandrocastelli.com/works/demon.jpg]Gro'Dorn[/URL]- They are the grunts of the demon force. They're known for their swiftness and deadliness in combat. They have minimal control over fire, classifying them as Pyromancers. Sometimes, they are also called Imps. [URL=http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/53c3e43dcf5cd87bf50a0c3bcd3c6410/http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa173/klin62290/demons.gif]Gro'Shai[/URL]- These demons are some of the most powerful and feared, albeit least understood. They are often known as Wraiths, and have no 'real' physical form. They are ethereal to anything in the Mortal Plane, thus cannot do damage. BUT, they are the only demons capable of possessing a living creature, taking over its body, and not tricked out then the effect might become permanent. [URL=http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/53c3e43dcf5cd87bf50a0c3bcd3c6410/http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa173/klin62290/demons.gif]Gro'Na[/URL]- Sometimes considered the most powerful demons; the Gro'Na are the few, few demons with free will. Not only can they deny Kudd's call- like demonomacer bound demons- they can also use any magic they want as they seem to not to be limited to a certain Blood. It is assumed that Kudd'Gro-Feesah and Gro'Na are cut from the same cloth. (This isn't EVERY demon out there, just the majority and important ones so feel free to use your imagination!) [U]Mystery Entities[/U] Chessmaster-A formless entity, sealed away long ago by the Gods. They have forgotten its existence. Now, it's exerting more and more influence on the world (Primarily through his Wild Generals), watching for a reaction, any reaction, from the Gods. But for now, they seem to be caught up in dealing with their own affairs. Xanaphya, Dyesa, and Kyiir- They are three minor goddesses, creations of a banished Naga God Helkyso and mothers to the Naga race. To survive on the mortal Realm, they’ve created a small pocket of reality and isolated themselves from the world for eons. Each one taking turns watching the world move on, seasons endlessly changes, the nuclear war, and more passing through their eyes as one stayed awake while the other two slept…until now. [U]Notable Twilight Characters[/U] Ovak Regdar - the mysterious Archamage that is currently bed ridden thanks to a rumors of illness. Unable to watch over school proceedings, Ovak is rarely seen outside his quarters within the very school itself but his presence is very much felt through its stone walls. For now, he’s hired Khan to look over his affairs until he’s well enough to be up to the task once again.