[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Bleeding_Cowboys.ttf&size=50&style_color=f26522[/img][/center][hr][center][img]http://fireflyonlinewiki.com/w/images/b/b1/Newhope.png[/img] [i]Newhope[/i][/center][hr][hr] Jahosafat rubbed the back of his neck slightly as he moved from room to room on the ship, decontaminating each one and blocking them off as he was finished. Making his way to the captains office finally he opened the door and rose a brow as he spotted Harper sitting there. [color=gray]"Well I do declare, I wasn't expecting to run into you here. Do you need me to leave or am I good to start cleaning up here and closing off this room?"[/color] he asked as he stepped into the room and set his supplies down on the desk. Taking a glance at the picture Harper had he smiled slightly, if not sadly. [color=gray]"Fine looking couple that there. Camilla had a copy of that picture,"[/color] he said with a sigh. The picture was just a general snap shop, nothing special about the frame from the looks of it, other than a hole in the bottom that looked like you inserted something into it. Many frames of the day had the same little notch, a way to pop open the glass to remove and change out the picture, yet this notch was slightly different. [color=gray]"Camilla told me once that was the night Quinn proposed to her, seemed neither of them ever got passed that evening,"[/color] he said as he leaned against the desk. [color=fff79a]"Jesus fucking Christ..."[/color] the preacher spouted off as the shot was fired and Dorothy informed them in quick words what was going on. The docks was now in chaos, at least a little more than it had been. Some people actually didn't even seem to notice what was going on or if they did they didn't care. Others though, travelers not used to gun fire were running away from the docks and back into the town as quickly as they could manage. It was enough of a disturbance though to make words hard to hear more than a few feet away and too hard to fire clear shots from the crews current vantage point, granted the woman who had been on the ship was now no where in sight. It couldn't be seen which way she went and even though there was blood on the ground with so many people running around there was no clear path to where she had gone. People stepping in the blood and rushing this way and that made it seem like she went off in multiple directions at once. The boys over at the Lady Luck all nodded and went on their way. People mulling about and rushing through the city made it easy for each of them to work their way into the crowds nonchalantly. Half of the boys went in the direction the woman went off in, the others went off after the guy. They all agreed to meet back outside of the Lady Luck when the deed was done. If no one got an ID they were to meet back at dusk anyways to compare notes. (or tall tales, which ever was more fun.) The streets a block or two away from the Lady Luck were lined with vendors selling anything from food to clothing, to knickknacks, to stolen goods and arms. Sure there was some legitimate arms dealers but who the hell wanted something traceable these days? Either way, people kept moving about and about four blocks south of the Lady Luck things were getting a bit more hectic, seemed there was sudden crowd of various people rushing away from the docks and back into the town proper. It was making things more hectic and harder to push through right then.