[quote=@Override] Actually, I was thinking to myself before I went to bed that I might need to limit him even further on the drain ability. I mean, I never specified on how many people he could use it on or how fast the process was. In my mind right now, I think he could reasonably drain three or more people completely dry in under two minutes, and they'd probably be way too tired to do anything at all within the first minute. He'd also go berserk within this time and do his utter best to kill you due to his violent insanity. I mean, in his background, he drained about five people in slightly over two minutes, and they practically passed out from exhaustion in a lot less time. Anyway, let me know about this Reg if you hadn't already considered it. I'm going to throw up a post while I can before work. [@Regitnui] [/quote] So he can just automatically drain people just by being in proximity with them? As in they have no chance to resist it? Isn't that a little God-Moddy? Waiting for clarification from the GMs before I post a response. Either way, her reaction is going to be severe. Oh jeez. [B]Really[/b] severe.