[quote=@Necroes] That's literally all it would be. Deus es GM. There's no reason for the eldar to care about the ork at this point. He's done nothing to them, and someone summoning daemons onto an enemy ship would be, at worst, helpful. The eldar have no reason to care about Urgrugg, or anything he does, psychic or otherwise. It's the Imperium who have him on their radar, and even then, a very small portion of a specific sub-faction. It'd be far more likely he'd just summon the attention of the crew at large, and put the entire ship on alert. Besides, in either case, both events would have massive consequences for the Entire group. Unless, again, Deus ex GM just decides there isn't. But, at that point, might as well have the section of the ship Urgrugg is on get hit my a void missile. It'd be the same level of "because the GM said so."[/quote] No reason... Urgrugg is the opposite of most Orks, is channelling chaos energy - something that the Eldar would be pretty attuned to - as well as their knowing that he was on board a vessel that contained quite a few of their precious spirit stones. The most important point is that he would be the one and only person summoning daemons; even if nothing else attracted their attention, that certainly would. The Eldar as a whole despise Chaos, the energy of it I imagine looking very different to any other, and they wouldn't just sit on their backsides while he decided to bring a load into existence...nor would the Imperium for that matter. You are correct though, it would have consequences for [b]everyone[/b], which is why it's up to you whether you want to do any summoning or not. You want to, then you can. As for putting the entire ship on alert, we're nearly there already.