[center][hider=Khorvaire][img]https://i.warosu.org/data/tg/img/0492/34/1473377927487.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [hr] [i][color=peru]Of course we didn't see this coming, even after a year of travelling through the continent. We were too busy killing the juvenile white dragon in the Hoarfrost mountains, too busy preventing Kriv's attempts at acquiring Vecna's Eye, too busy destroying that abyssal flute of some eldritch being. I didn't expect my former clan to wage war with all of the other clans in Darguun against Zilargo and Breland. We didn't expect to lose our companion. I didn't expect for [b]us[/b] to be a problem.[/color][/i] So I'm a really into D&D. I DM a weekly offline game and play in an online campaign. But I'm not here to talk about that, I'm here to talk about a story idea I had for an RP plot. Rules/Expectations: [list] [*] This is an 18+ roleplay as it includes violent themes, racist ideals (in a fantasy setting), and will more than likely have heavy language. I expect that anyone who would apply or message me is 18+ and also okay with the themes that will present themselves. [*] I do not expect novels to be written with every post, especially if this is a 1x1. I do however expect that the quality of writing is of a High Casual to Advanced level. No one liners, but shorter posts (2+ paragraphs) are encouraged during dialogue heavy interactions. [*] I will not always be able to post every day, and I don't expect anyone else to either. Life happens. I'm only recently getting back on after a 4 month hiatus due to close family illness, so if something happens and you disappear, I don't mind. [/list] I'm looking for a partner, or a small group, to play as the party with myself. The story is about the party having to defend their Dragonborn companion, who is being ridiculed no matter where they go, from being treated like a second class member of their party. This RP would start approximately a month after the war has been declared between the Dragonborn kingdom of Darguun and the neighboring kingdoms, both run by Humans, but are populated by all races. Dragonborn all around the central part of the continent are now being distrusted or attacked due to the war's blatant cause being Dragonborn and their natural greed. Anti-Dragonborn rhetoric is now actually gaining a foothold due to these events, and some rural areas are actually murdering the Dragonborn families that reside there. For the main two characters if this is a 1x1, I would be playing the Dragonborn male and I'm looking for someone to play a Human/Half-Elf/Elf female. These two would have been with the party since its first adventure, even if the other members are not the original companions they'd started out with. Seeing as they've both had to save one another from extreme dangers, possibly even pulling each other right out of death's grasp, the two would be close; and possibly already interested in one another romantically. So if I managed to find enough people to play as the party, then I would possibly be putting up a thread in the Advanced forum, but otherwise if someone is interested in playing as the Human/Half-elf/Elf love interest/party member and sharing the party with me just PM me or reply here with any questions you have. Edit: Kind of forgot to put in rules/expectations, it has been updated.