[center][color=bdaf17][b][h1]July 29[sup]th[/sup], 2371[/h1][/b][/color][h3][b][color=bdaf17]10:18AM[/color][/b] [sub][i][color=bdaf17]Royal Family ETA:[/color] 32 Hours[/i][/sub][/h3][/center][hr][hr] [@Nallore] Quickly enough the woman paid for her ticket and went on her way. Even if Anthony wasn't completely familiar with the lines, his time spent looking at the map paid off enough to cover any holes in his understanding. She started with the Red Line traveling South, staying on the train for three stops before she transferred to the Green line and heading West for another 2 stops before she finally hopped onto the Yellow Line North for a single stop. The train rides weren't anything special. The inside of the cars smelt kinda funky, as if there was mildew all along the bottoms of the seats, and any body part exposed to direct sunlight through the windows would quickly find itself burning up. However, the day hadn't heated up enough yet to turn the car into a sauna of body odor. As long as Anthony stayed in the shade he was fine. Occasionally his query's eyes would look in his general direction, but she never seemed to look directly at him, only in his general direction. The rest of the time spent following her went by in a similar fashion as the beginning of his impromptu trailing session until suddenly she stopped at a seemingly random alleyway. He could see her briefly looking around suspiciously before turning off the sidewalk and into the dark of the side street. [@Lady Amalthea] It'd taken most of her morning, but she finally found a match in the files, one that dated back about ten years back, before she and her sisters ran the store. In fact, coincidentally it was just about the time of the big accident that left Sunie "orphaned" and an amputee. One Stacey McKinnon had ordered a simple handgun, 9mm. There was nothing about the order that seemed particularly off other than the timing. On the sheet was contact information from the original sale, a phone number and email address, but who knew how out of date those might be.