[Hider=Aleister] [B][IMG]http://pre03.deviantart.net/2bdc/th/pre/i/2017/050/1/3/elsword_ciel_demonio_by_aelitalaura-dazmcqx.jpg[/IMG] Name: [/B]Aleister Einhardt [B]Nickname:[/B] N/A [B]Age: [/B]??? (Looks to be around the early twenties) [B]Species: [/B]Half Breed (Baphomet/Elder Devil) [B]Description: [/B] Aleister would normally be described as quite the handsome young man, with a long white hair and azure blue eyes as well as an overall pleasant-to-the-eyes complexion, he would undoubtedly be popular amongst both of his parents species if not by a single fact: Due to his mixed heritage, he has quite the exotic characteristics even amongst the oddball-ish group that are the demi-humans, having a strange mix of his parent species characteristics. To start with, while he has a normal right eye his left eye has black sclera - Like a devil - his pointy ears and the single horn protruding from his head as well as the leathery wing on right side of his back are undoubtedly of devilish origin - quite the strange view when considering his palid skin - that being said, his fang-like canine teeth, claw-like fingers and pitch black feathered left wing are certainly of baphomet origin, clearly contrasting with the devilish characteristics previously mentioned. Add that to the fact that he lacks a tail and doesn't seem to have the goat-like legs of a baphomet and you have the reason for Aleister being considered quite the oddball by the demi-human community. [B]Personality: [/B] When working as an agent, Aleister seems like an overall stern - even to the point of looking anti-social - person, seemingly living for his job and hardly demonstrating any emotion when doing so, he naturally pass a professional - almost cold - impression - that would easily be broken by how he openly shows some small, and frequently comic, reactions according to the situation of the job, merely avoiding being seem as a way of maintaining his facade as a cold and stern individual. Inwardly though, Aleister seems to be quite the caring - deeply worrying about those around him - and benevolent individual, showing a natural tendency towards gentleness and hardly being as cold as his usual attitude demonstrates - with that merely being a result of the timidity he developed as a child added to the need of maintaining some face as an M.O.N agent. He is seemingly a lover of cute things and has a natural predisposition towards helping others, despising the use of violence for selfish goals to an abnormal extent and naturally loving peace. He seems to value the bonds he made through his life to an abnormal extent - seemingly regarding the lifes of his loved ones as more valuable than his own - and seems to be extremely loyal to his oaths, dedicating his life to the creation of a society where demi-humans can live in harmony with the humans. [B]Occupation:[/B] M.O.N Agent (Sniper) [B]History:[/B] • [B]Past: [/B]TBR • [B]Current:[/B] After a few years working as a M.O.N agent, Aleister has recently been relocated to a new neighborhood due to the sudden need of a new influx of agents due to the gradual expansion of the cultural exchange program. He's currently still adaptating to the new place and didn't even finish moving his things to the new apartament that was assigned to him.[/hider]