[quote=@Morose] [@Witch Cat] Oh, hello dear! Let's see...What awaits me in the coming school year? [/quote] [i][center]Hello, Morose Stark [img]https://media.tenor.com/images/3af94b84feb5f238bb95dfc5ea3dcf20/tenor.gif[/img] Let's see what lies ahead![/center][/i] [hider=In your future I see...] [img]http://i.imgur.com/M7FqdiS.png[/img] (Reversed) III of Pentacles! Be wary of groups in the coming year, for inner conflict and strife between members awaits you. Learn to inspire teamwork and collaboration in all you meet in the coming school year. And make sure you pack planners least your (current) greatest enemy (when it comes to the next school year), disorganisation, take a hold of you. [/hider]