[center][b]Character Name[/b] Asgore Dreemurr [b]Title[/b] King, Bergentrückung, Childkiller [b]From[/b] Underground, Mt. Ebott -- Undertale [b]Visual Description[/b] [img]http://img13.deviantart.net/e4a1/i/2016/259/f/f/the_king_of_monsters_by_suzuerink-da7ndvd.jpg[/img] http://suzuerink.deviantart.com/art/The-king-of-monsters-617510137[/center] [b]Written Description[/b] A broadly-built bipedal furred Monster whose two large floppy ears and two upward-curving horns poke out of a mane-like head of gold-blond hair. Outside of wearing his armor and regalia for formal affairs Asgore is often seen wearing bright pink or floral-pattern shirts and some manner of denim or khaki shorts. In spite of his caprine and leonine appearance the king looks as gentle as a lamb due to his softly smiling face. [b]Personality[/b] An affable and kindhearted being whose emotions are felt with all his heart and soul. This is good as he is a very loving father and husband but also his bane as regret and sorrow have plagued him for countless years. Duty too is a double-edged sword. He will do what he can for his charges and try to keep them all happy and safe but once he promises something for them he cleaves to it in spite of all reluctance. With Toriel's abrupt departure the same night they lost their children Asgore came to view the golden flowers as the last tangible piece of his family and a final gift from their little angels. A whimsical desire of spreading them throughout New Home Castle became an obsession, the evidence of his grief overlooked by his subjects as it was well known that Asgore loved flowers. In fact he was known to absent-mindedly snack on flowers from his garden before explaining why the old goat thought nothing of it when his kids gave him a slice of pie with flower petals baked inside. Now that the Barrier is gone he is more careful in watching what seeds he plants. [b]Post-Pacifist Story[/b] With the Barrier gone and the Underground going empty, Asgore Dreemurr abdicated his throne. Or rather he [i]tried[/i] but no one took him seriously as Monsters still turn to him for aid and guidance. The old king lent use of both his new home by the foot of the Mountain and the Castle of New Home for those unable to find affordable housing but not wishing to remain in the Underground for another second or those too terrified to leave just yet respectively. Overtures were made to amend his broken relations with Toriel but they have been met with disproving frowns and chilly words. He happily signed Frisk's adoption papers as it made both Frisk and Toriel [i]very[/i] happy and as a peace offering gave Frisk seeds of Toriel's favorite flowers. [b]Weapon[/b] Floral Trident - A brilliant red curved trident with a golden flower etched near where the prongs meet the shaft. The weapon is magic in nature and as such it influenced by his Resolve. [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/85973093974189390/15AC453E1017B8836329F801A65F7FECAF18F5B3/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|637:358&composite-to%3D%2A%2C%2A%7C637%3A358&background-color=black[/img] https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=683459750 [b]General Abilities[/b] Merciless - Prevents a singular target from running away for the [i]entire[/i] duration of a single battle. [b]Strengths[/b] 1. Master Dodger - As a certain fish can attest, Asgore is far fleeter of foot than he looks even when burdened by both platemail and his apparent bulk. In spite of this he can be taken by surprise. Especially when he is not expecting an attack. 2. Pyromancy - His innate magic expresses itself as flames be it meager sparks or burning spheres. This does not mean master of fire itself and he can be burned by fire not under his control. 3. Resolve - The greater his own intent to fight, the stronger his magic-based attacks can be. 4. Experienced - Asgore has spent many years refining his skills. Leadership, gardening, and cooking to name a few. [b]Weaknesses[/b] 1. Mystic Body - Due to his nature as an Ebottian Monster, true malicious intent can cause physical attacks to bypass all magically treated materials and deal grievous harm to his body. 2. Resolve - This also means that the less he is willing to fight the less harm his own attacks inflict. 3. Earthbound - Unlike some types of Monsters Asgore cannot fly or float. Even if he can swim Asgore cannot breathe underwater or swim in lava.