[hider=Wanna know what makes a real magical girl?] Crest worms. [/hider] Jokes aside. [hider=The White Phantom] Name Fantina Wrenwight Alias The White Phantom(this is the correct spelling) Appearance [hider=This is what she looks like as a result of her inherent albinism] [img]https://images3.alphacoders.com/680/680776.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Powered Form] [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/zgAE6YkD1Pf2s7ZhmxzGwojJbz3wydxZ_3LaeJwE2Fg/http/www.wallpaperbetter.com/wallpaper/175/684/937/kozakura-mary-anime-girls-kagerou-project-white-hair-red-eyes-720P-wallpaper.jpg?width=359&height=449[/img] Powered form [/hider] Age: 22 Personality: A women who was once happy and upbeat, she has since become cold and withdrawn ever since her accident. Fantina's personality can easily be described as rather warped in concept. She is not above helping people no no. She just feels like she can't help anyone as she is. She doesn't want to become a villain either in that regard. She simply wants to be left alone but you can't get any alone time when you have magical powers. So she continues to help though her style has since become rather brutal as it ends fights quickly without any of the showiness that she used to exhibit, she doesn't see the point of inspiring people to act she just does it to hold onto any fetchings of her old life. In terms of interacting with others, she refuses to talk about anything that troubles her, preferring to bottle her emotions regardless of the harm it causes her mentally. Simply put she doesn't think she is within her right to push her problems on other people. It goes against what she believes a hero should be. Something she is still trying to be deep down. Simply put she is a large sack of issues but nobody really knows that because she doesn't make attachments easily not sense the accident. If her powers can let her break things so easy. What if she went completely mad and lost her grip on reality. She just never would want that. Biography: Fantina used to absolutely devote herself to the concept of being a hero. Saving people was simply enough payment for a job well done. It made her feel powerful and it made her feel actually useful. She could go outside and help people and not be the sickly pale night time girl she normal was but ever since the accident she has grown cold and bitter at the concept of all the children running around pretending to know what they are doing without any care in the world. It wasn't always like that however, the highlight of her life was when she was 16, an up and coming Hero, she called herself the white maiden. She even had an outfit with a mask and everything to compliment her new technique for actually being able to help people. She was happy. People thanked her and were grateful for her contributions to society. So she kept at it, with showmenship and everything. She was gonna be a role model for the mass. Until the accident. It was a simple day like any other, she was messing around with her friends from school. They were all drunk. They didn't know what they were doing, they decided to mess around with her powers, it was fun at first watching things get thrown but then they wanted to see things stopped... Sure she could survive a fall from any height but her best friend sure couldn't survive a dead stop in mid air from a high height. It completely broke her body and with it broke Fantina's mind and emotional security. For two years she refused to do any heroism at all. She just looked herself away in an apartment with ready meals and comfort food as a means to protect her from any harm that could come to her. Though perhaps in between the early therapy sessions her parents paid for she learnt that she still had to do something to honor the memory of her friend. To keep being what had brought her those friends in teh first place. A hero. Though maybe not the same hero. She was a ghost of her former self. She is the phantom of the white maiden... She is Fantina Wrenwight and she is going to kick your ass if to distract her just a little. Powers: [hider=Fantina's Laws] This power is effectively summarised as being akin to high power telekinesis which is narrowed down into precise forms. It is all motion and weight based and thus cements her combative style to take place at range, She therefore is fragile in CQC as constant damage to her shield renders her unable to concentrate. When she is not in her Powered form, she is locked out of all of her ability save for the aura shield, which is passively active regardless of which form she is in. [hider=Vector Shift] This power works as follows, say an object was coming at her, and she knew it was coming and from what direction, this power simply takes the momentum of the object and shifts it to the opposite direction. This creates a strong barrier like effect. She used to be able to affect Organic matter with this barrier making a near perfect defence however the trauma she experienced from viewing a broken and battered body has caused her mind to be unable to reflect organic matter at a subconscious level. [/hider] [hider=Telekinetic force] This can be seen as similar to a push or a shove on an applied object, essentially cause it to move in a straight line in direction, either a little or at speeds the equivalent of a cannon shot, once again like all of her powers she must be aware of the object in order to affect it. [/hider] [hider=Weight Manipulation] This allows her to effectively suppress an object by causing it to weigh more, Forcing people to the ground, or in greater instances completely crushing an object under the weight of one its items. It effectively increases of the weight of an object up to 50 tons. As of late however she has been unable to bring this power above 5 tons perhaps due to the subconscious blocks she has put on her powers. [/hider] [hider=Accelerate] This power allows her to increase an objects speed, much further then what the object would normal attained allowing it to reach nearly unfathomed highs of kinetic energy, This usually destroys the object and anything in its path, similar to a cannon. [/hider] [hider=Deceleration] This allows her to decrease an object speed in varying amounts, either partially or all at once... Due to a trauma in her past she is currently completely unable to access this ability in this entirety even if she really wants to use it. [/hider] [hider=Aura Shield] A shield comprised of her mental fortitude. that effectively protects her body against attacks, While it can be seen as an extremely potent shield. It is capable of defending against attacks varying from physical blows to mental attacks, however because it is directly tied to her mental fortitude the shield waxs and wains depending on how emotional state. If enough damage is applied to the shield it can cause her nosebleeds and may even render her completely incapacitated as she is simply using her mind as a shield. This shield is necessary in the event she wishs to use her powers on herself, otherwise she would end up destroying herself when she subjects herself to her own powers. Usually due to the shield she is capable of reaching a dead stop regardless of the height she has fallen or the speed she is falling from with no damage to herself. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Origin of Powers] Fantina's powers don't actually have any special origin at least to her knowledge, She has had them since birth as a result of her genes aligning perfectly, While these genes are also the result of her albinism they also granted her, her psyker like powers. However, due to her body she is simply unable to use them at their top level capablitys. Hence where hte origin of her powered form comes into play. It is a form brought about by forcefully removing the mental limiters on her powers. A technique she created if only to be able to actually be useful to people as something more then a body shield. She used to use these powers for the good of others like the magical girl and hero's she saw on the news or those other hero but after the accident. She has since sorta given up actively trying to help people and seeking out peoples problems thus powered form has become a rarity in recent times. [/hider] Other: She wins all her fights fast. Perhaps thats why she is a phantom. The form never lingers for long... Never keeps things tidy, Her apartment is a complete mess of ready meals and wrappings. [/hider]