[color=00a651][b]Dr. Arthur West - Salem Church[/b][/color] [i] “As I was saying before, I went hunting and may have had a bit too much and a radstag showed up. It slammed me into a tree. Doesn’t seem I broke anything, but my head hit the rough bark and I was bleeding.” Ace lowered his head to show the doctor the top of his head, “Figured I’d get checked out just to be safe.”[/i] "Ah I see," Arthur replied as he put on a new pair of rubber gloves, "In that case have a seat please. How hard do you think you hit?" Carefully, Arthur inspected Ace's headwound and carefully began cleaning the blood away to get a better look at it, "Well," He said thoughtfully, "Its a rather nasty cut but not overly serious. You shouldn't need stitches but I'll need to properly clean it to prevent infection. Although, you could still have a concussion from it. You aren't feeling overly dizzy, nauseous, or drowsy are you?" Arthur then spent the next hour or so cleaning and dressing Ace's headwound, and wrapping it in a clean bandage. He also spent a considerable amount of time checking his coordination and general wherewithal by having him walk in straight lines, say complicated tongue twisters, and check his sensitivity to light. Once he was satisfied he didn't have a concussion he had him sit back down in the chair. "Well aside from your cut I'd say your head is fine. I'm still concerned about the rest of you however if you were slammed into the tree. You don't appear to be in any immediate pain, which is good, but I should still check for internal bleeding and possible fracturing. Its possible you might have suffered something just as serious and not even realize it. Go ahead and take off your shirt so I can take a better look." His body was bruised and there were several minor scrapes to his torso that could easily be remedied but aside from that Ace looked fine. Arthur felt around his arms and back for any possible broken bones and also had him breathe in and out deeply to see if he had any chest pain. What interested Arthur though, was not the injuries he sustained, but a particular tattoo that the man had on his upper left arm. It was a symbol that he was, unfortunately, quite familiar with: The gears and sword of The Brotherhood of Steel. Along with the words [i]"Lost Hills"[/i]. That, he didn't know. Ace seemed to catch him looking at the tattoo and Arthur immediately caught himself and went back to his examination. Trying his best to avoid conversation about it, "Well, all in all I'd say you're alright Mr. Makovich. Your injuries should heal up nicely without issue. I will ask you to come back in a day or so however to allow me to change the bandages on your head however and to make sure that wound is healing up, but other than that you should be fine. But I'd suggest taking it easy for a few days. Although I understand that above gr...[i]out here[/i] you can't always take time that way."