[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Mh6mjzp.png[/img][/center] Ivory walked through the streets, as rain poured from above. It was hardly an issue for her. Her armor and cloth of her "skirt" was totally waterproof, making the droplets slide off as soon as they touched her. The five Pioneers followed her as they walked, garnering the most attention from passerby on the Sidewalks, sheltering themselves with black umbrellas. A single flash glanced Ivory. Lightning, perhaps? A car rolled up behind Ivory, as she walked down the middle of the street. A man poked his head out of the window, and started honking at her. "Hey! Move it lady!" He barked. Ivory's face glew orange. Commando, one of the Pioneers, turned around, looking right at the man through his windshield. He then smashed his engine with one of his massive arms. The man cowered back in his seat. Commando turned around, and kept following Ivory. Suddenly, The communicator taped to Ivory's head buzzed. "Ivory, the rain seems to have originated from the tournament. Head down there ASAP" [color=RosyBrown]"Understood. Thank you."[/color] Ivory and The Pioneers continued walking down the middle of the streets, in full view, towards whatever awaited at the tournament. [hr] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi40MDJmNzQuVW05a0lFeHBaMmgwYm1sdVp3LCwuMAAA/bad-skizoff.regular.png[/img][/center] [code]Rio, two weeks after the Tournament 3:00 am[/code] Rod stapled a poster to a wooden pole. “So. This is how far you’ve fallen?” Asked the guard behind him. Rod turned around, and pointed his ringed finger into his face. [color=SlateBlue]”Shut up! I got this!”[/color] “Sure. [i]You[/i], the guy literally putting up posters, has this.” [color=SlateBlue]”I’ll admit, finding the damned thing [i]was[/i] a bit harder than [i]”finding a lost puppy[/i], but I was just underestimating it! I thought that it’d starve to death without ki, meaning he would have to steal some, aka, kill some people, but the slums here have a pretty constant mortality rate. SYM-04 wouldn’t make a dent. The problem? We kept sending out fully armed soldiers into heavily crowded slums, and the freakin’ thing just keeps lunging out, slaughtering them, and running back before we can find him.”[/color] “So what’s your plan now, big shot?” [color=SlateBlue]”What the hell do you think? It’s only been two weeks since the tournament ended, we just gotta put up the posters, and some reward money, and bam! They’ll find him faster than I can put in this last staple!”[/color] Rod looked around suspiciously for a moment. He then stamped the fourth and final staple into the pole, looking relieved. [color=SlateBlue]”Guess there’s [i]one thing[/i] they can’t do.”[/color] The two men walked off, to put up the posters in areas all around the city: [hider=Poster] [center][h1][color=Red]WANTED[/color][/h1] [b]Subject:[/b] Jeremy Halvit [b]Reason:[/b] Escaped, gone AWOL. Reason for escaping currently not known, nor current mental state. [b]Last Seen:[/b] Slum districts, varying. [b]Appearance:[/b] Wearing a suit of high tech armor, with a spiked tail. [b]Instructions:[/b] Wanted strictly alive. NO reward or compensation if subject is mortally wounded. Report to Horizon Frontiers, Rio Branch, if requiring more information, or subject has been found and restrained. [b]Reward:[/b] If unharmed, any and all participants in restraint will be rewarded with 5,000,000 million US dollars, or any requested equivalent. [h2][b]IF INTERESTED, PLEASE CALL THE NUMBER BELOW: 515-808-2789[/b][/h2][/center] [/hider]