As we continued on, the princess continued her griping, and Dorisma joined in for a short time, apparently, Dorisma was more than ready to crack open a few zombified skulls, and the princess wanted some 'action'... whatever that meant, however, Trey and Deravan seemed pleased with my idea, and were telling me that I made the right choice to just run, and avoid unnecessary fighting. For some reason, Miles was completely neutral on the subject, and we continued through the forest, just a bit too close to the main road for my liking, and, just as well, we ended up coming across what appeared to be a group of human traders, with their wagon broken, and missing a wheel... they didn't spot us yet, and to be honest, I didn't really feel like attacking traders. [i]I... think I remember... I was supposed to try to bring some sort of peace between monsters and humans... ugh, I can't believe what I did back there... all that fire... at least we got rid of a couple of human archers after that, but I... I must have just been in a horrible mood.[/i] I thought as I tried to sneak past the group, which seemed incredibly easy. Odd that they'd be so easy to sneak past, given that at least one of them seemed to be on the lookout for anything or anyone who seemed suspicious. As I was sneaking, I ended up almost tripping over a wooden wheel, one that seemed to match the three wheels that the broken wagon had, but, considering my group, I just decided to ignore it, and not tell anyone else about it, not even Deravan. [i]I'm sure they'll find it on their own... if Dorisma catches wind that we might be able to steal a fixed wagon from these guys, she'll want to start a fight... in fact, I think she's just looking for ANY reason to start a fight with them...[/i] I think as I continue on, hopefully getting out of their field of view soon enough.