*Lecter slowly rises to his feet, his free hand covering his wound. Anger is in his gray eyes as he stares at Be'lak, and his grip tightens on his blade* Lecter: You will die, Be'lak. *Be'lak cocks his head slightly, his features hidden by his hood* [i]You address me by name. Why not by who I am to you? Accept what you are.[/i] *Lecter grimaces and takes a step towards Be'lak, wincing as he does so* Lecter: You are a monster to me. A beast. *Be'lak snorts at Lecter's comment, watching him with amusement as the Devil Hunter lunges forward. Be'lak moves forwards as well, grabbing Lecter by his wrist to catch the blade, and his other hand wraps around Lecter's throat* [i]Then what does that make you?[/i] *Be'lak give an ugly laugh as he throws Lecter into a tree, and the Devil Hunter's head slumps forwards* [i]Still weak. You have to be strong, Lecter. Your life demands it.[/i] *Karma slows her approach, staying to the shadows as she makes her way through the cave* *As the familiar moves, she seems to blend with the shadows, literally becoming one with them*